Tag: Worship

Sermon: How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth?

Woman in a church with her eyes closed.


In John 4 when the Samaritan woman pointed to a mountain and said it is her place of worship, Jesus replied saying a time will come and has already come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, and they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks indeed.

Sermon Notes: Our Spiritual Act of Worship

People in a church with their hands lifted in Worship.


Romans chapters 9 and 11 formed a break in Paul’s letter to the Romans. In those passages, Paul’s focus was on salvation and the Jew. Paul wanted to show them that God was not neglecting them in this present age, but that they could be saved by calling on the name of the Lord. Now, Paul returns to the main idea of his letter. He has spent considerable time telling us how we are saved, what we are saved from, and what salvation has done for us. In this last section of the book, Paul’s focus shifts to some very practical matters. He will discuss many aspects of everyday living in this world.

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