Tag: Temple

Sermon: Young Jesus is Lost and Found

Young Jesus, explaining scripture to experts of the Jewish Law in God's presence.


In the movie “Home Alone” the McCallister family, in the confusion and rush to board their flight on time, leaves little Kevin at home and does not know until they are already airborne. A similar thing happened almost 2000 years ago and unlike in the movie, this was for real. The Bible says that Mary and Joseph left Jesus behind on their return trip from Jerusalem. There are three important truths about God’s presence we can learn from this incident.

Solomon’s Temple and its relevance to the modern Christian

Solomon's Temple from an artist's point of view.

Solomon’s Temple was built in 960 BC by King Solomon, (1 Kings 5:1-18; 6:1-37; 7:13-51; 8:1-66). Also known as the first temple, it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II and his invading armies in 587 BC. Solomon’s Temple and every task carried out within it actually were types of Christ and his mission. In today’s article, we are going to take a detailed look at the purpose served by Solomon’s Temple in the Old Testament and its relevance to the New Testament Christian as a type of Jesus Christ. [Image Credit: Laura Dahl]

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