Lesson Objectives
Welcome to the third and final lesson on preparing for water baptism. This series of lessons is for people who want to know more about water baptism and be prepared for this step in their Christian walk. In this lesson, we will focus on salvation is not dependent on Baptism, the reason for baptism by immersion, and a few other miscellaneous factors pertaining to water baptism.
At the end of this lesson, both the student and the teacher would decide if the student is ready to be baptized. Also see that you are free to download, copy, print, share and use this note for teaching others as long as the original idea is not altered and republished elsewhere or on the web. [Used with permission from the Assemblies of God of Ceylon. Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. www.lockman.org]