Tag: Halloween

Sermon: Halloween Unmasked

A photo of an urban clown evil Mask.


In recent years Halloween has grown in popularity.  It has now become the second-largest money-producing holiday, second only to Christmas.  Don’t conclude that the reason for this is commercialism.  It is far deeper than that. It is the result of man’s search for the supernatural. 

Christianity has been discarded as irrelevant and unbelievable, yet man is still searching for something beyond himself.  The occult seeks to fill that vacuum.  This is not intended to be a tirade against children having fun. You must decide what your children do or do not do.  However, before you decide you need to know all the facts.

Sermon: Why Christians don’t celebrate Halloween?

Photo of a thick book, a human skull, a candle, and a bottle labeled Bat Wing Potion used for a Halloween prop.


The origin of Halloween can be traced back to the early Druids in France who worshipped Samhain on the 1st of November. They believed evil spirits were left to harm people on such nights. People thought leaving food for them will neutralize the danger. Later on, the Catholics made it a Christian holiday which they called “All Saints’ day”. So the night before became the “Hallowed Evening”. Later on, it was shortened to “Halloween”. Halloween is not for the Children of God! But why? Let me explain to you. [A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Published with permission.]

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