Tag: Good Friday

Palm Sunday Sermon: Lessons from the Triumphal Entry

Good Friday sermon - Lessons from the triumphal entry


These two events took place four days apart. It is logical to assume that essentially the same people were present on both occasions. How is it that the same people who worshiped Jesus and would have made Him King on Palm Sunday would turn Him in and demand His death on Thursday? What emotional chemistry was working in their minds that would have turned them so completely around? As we study these two occasions the answers begin to take shape. [A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with his permission.]

Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus Die – Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Good Friday Sermon Series: Watching Jesus die
Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus die ~ Part 3 (Final)


Previously in this series, we learned Good Friday is a call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, depend on God’s grace and cultivate self-control in life. This sermon is the last installment of the series. Today we are going to draw three more life applications from the observations recorded in the Bible at the time of the passion and death of our savior.

Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus Die – Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Good Friday Sermon Series: Watching Jesus die
Grayscale photography of a crucifix.


In part one of this series, we learned Good Friday is a call for discipleship, and faithfulness, to accept Christ as our savior and follow him wholeheartedly. This sermon is the second part of that series. Today we are going to draw three more life applications from the passion and death of our savior.

Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus Die – Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Good Friday Sermon Series: Watching Jesus die
People standing before an Altar with a crucifix hanging above.


By popular Tradition, we limit Good Friday to remembering Jesus’ passion and death. It’s not wrong but there’s more to it. In this three-part sermon, we are going to watch Matthew’s narration of Jesus’ agonizing journey very closely to help ourselves take another step towards redemption.

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