Tag: Crucifixion

Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus Die – Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Good Friday Sermon Series: Watching Jesus die
Grayscale photography of a crucifix.


In part one of this series, we learned Good Friday is a call for discipleship, and faithfulness, to accept Christ as our savior and follow him wholeheartedly. This sermon is the second part of that series. Today we are going to draw three more life applications from the passion and death of our savior.

Good Friday Sermon: Watching Jesus Die – Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Good Friday Sermon Series: Watching Jesus die
People standing before an Altar with a crucifix hanging above.


By popular Tradition, we limit Good Friday to remembering Jesus’ passion and death. It’s not wrong but there’s more to it. In this three-part sermon, we are going to watch Matthew’s narration of Jesus’ agonizing journey very closely to help ourselves take another step towards redemption.

Sermon: Jesus and the Two Criminals

A photo of three crosses representing the impenitent criminal and the penitent criminal and Jesus.


The persecutors of Jesus were determined to heap discredit and infamy upon his memory. Therefore they crucified two criminals with him. One of the criminals was crucified at his right and the criminal at his left. Luke 23:39-43 says that a conversation broke out between our Lord and these criminals. The Christian tradition calls the criminal that was crucified on the left-hand side of our Lord the impenitent criminal while the criminal that was crucified on his right-hand side the penitent criminal.

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