A commonly used phrase is “born again Christian” often in the context of distinguishing between Christians who are “born again” and those not. This is really an incorrect distinction, for all true Christians have been “born again” But what does it mean to be “born again”?
The Bible uses the expression “born again” only a few times. Jesus in His conversation with Nicodemus, (John 3:3; 5-7); Peter in his first epistle, (1 Peter 1:3, 23) although the idea of being “born” of God is used many times, (John 1:13; 1 John 5:1).
In His discussion with Nicodemus, Jesus reveals much about being “born again.” His comments as the basis of our study, let’s examine what the Bible reveals about “The New Birth”. After we are introduced to Nicodemus (cf. also John 7:50; 19:39). We observe Jesus emphasizing the following.