Two gold rings on top of a book.


The pillars of a healthy marriage are none other than the husband and wife themselves. Both must work together in order to build a healthy marriage. This Valentine’s Day let’s find out what can you do as husband and wife to become the strong pillars that support your marriage.

Read Ephesians 5:22-28

1. The role of the Wife

Read Ephesians 5:22-23

I. Wives are to submit to their husbands. Does not mean passive submission or an abusive husband must be tolerated at all costs or she should obey to the point of sinning against God! (As to the Lord; Ephesians 5:22-24)

II. What Paul means is, to respect the husband, share his burdens and follow his leadership voluntarily.

III. Only to your husband, as the church submits to Christ in the Lord. This is how God designed the marital relationship to function. When you submit to your husband you submit to God.

2. The role of the Husband

Read Ephesians 5:25-27

I. Sacrificial love is not just doing acts of kindness to avoid guilt or making things easier with the hope of earning “brownie points.” What sacrificial love is to Love her unconditionally even up to the point of giving yourself for her.

II. Paul says, “…as Christ loved the church…” Is it because we are perfect that Jesus loves us?

III. Such love tolerates rejection, denial, and lack of approval, (John 1:11). Husbands that love their wives sacrificially, continue to love them even when they don’t return it.

3. Doing the Teamwork

I. An unloving husband can’t expect his wife to submit to his leadership. Your marriage will hurt if you do.

II. It’s the same with the wife. A wife who refuses to submit to her husband hurts the marriage relationship.

III. Marriage is teamwork. Just like you cannot clap with one hand, marriage also cannot survive without one another.


When husband and wife work together in love and submission their marriage becomes healthier and stronger making it less vulnerable.

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