Today is International Workers’ Day and I want to talk about our blue-collared brothers and sisters in Christ also known as the working class. The dictionary defines people of the working class as “Those employed in lower tier jobs (as measured by skill, education and lower incomes), often extending to those in unemployment or otherwise possessing below-average incomes.” There’s no such group as “The Working Class” in the Bible. Nevertheless, we find many who fit the above definition. Today even as we celebrate International Workers’ Day let’s find what God is telling the working class through his written word. The Bible shows three ways God cares for the people of the working class.
1. God accepts the Working Class
(Read Luke 2:8-13)
A. Shepherds were poor and uneducated. Society often rejected them as not trustworthy may be why Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd.
B. Still, the birth of Christ was officially announced only to them. Not the white-collared Herod or the Scribes.
C. Consider Angel’s words. “A Savior has been born to you!” Signs that God didn’t reject them although society did.
2. God called the Working Class
(Read Matthew 4:18-22; Matthew 10:1-4; Acts 2:37-41)
A. The majority of Jesus’ disciples were ordinary fishermen. They belonged to the blue-collared community of the day.
B. He called them, trained them, empowered them, and sent them on the most important mission in history.
C. Today qualified Theologians, Pastors, and Leaders study the life story of these uneducated fishermen to learn the art of ministry and leadership.
3. He joined the Working Class
(Read Mark 6:1-3)
A. Jesus is the King of kings. He is the Lord of lords. But he chooses to be born to the family of a lowly carpenter instead of a Nobleman or King.
B. He himself was a Carpenter before beginning the Public Ministry. Even today carpentry is considered to be a lowly profession in many countries.
C. Not because he had anything to gain. Simply because he wanted to identify with the people of the working class of his day that he represented.
There are three applications I want present to you in the conclusion to my message as we observe international workers’ day. They are:
A. Jesus has the freedom the Working Class Wants:
Someone said teens believe in communism because they are heartless. Men believe in communism because they are headless. Jesus has the freedom the communists fight for so much, (Matthew 11:28) and he will give not as communism gives it but the freedom he gives lasts forever, (John 14:27). He will give it abundantly.
B. Jesus is calling the Working Class to serve Him:
William Seymour was the son of a former slave. In 1906 he joined the ranks of history as the forerunner of the Azusa Street Revival. Education matters. But it cannot keep God from using you. God qualifies the people he calls, (1 Corinthians 1:27) He will use you beyond your wildest dreams.
3. He knows the struggles of the Working Class:
God is aware of the struggles and the injustice we face at work because he himself was falsely accused and oppressed. He can and he will set us free if we wait for him patiently, (Isaiah 40:31).
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