In scripture, God presents faith in form of images. Today’s sermon is about these images of faith. Studying them I believe, helps us to understand the nature of faith, its purpose in Christian life, and how to exercise it.
1. Faith is like a Seed
A. Read Matthew 17:20
B. Illustration: There’s only one seed in a Mango. How many Mangoes are there in a seed?
C. Faith is like a seed. A seed of faith is planted in you the first time you hear God’s word, (Romans 10:17)
D. The Mango seed has the capacity to multiply itself because in it there’s life. Likewise, the faith God planted in you can produce extraordinary results because in it there’s life.
E. God has given a measure of faith to each one of us, (Romans 12:3). Help your seed of faith to grow by exercising it.
2. Faith is like a Painting
A. Read 1 Samuel 17:46a
B. King Saul and his army saw the visible picture and killed their hopes of victory.
C. David saw the invisible picture (This very day the LORD will deliver you into my hand!) and sustained his hope, (I will strike you down and cut off your head.)
D. Faith is like seeing an invisible painting. In times of crisis sustain your hope by seeing God’s deliverance through the eyes of your mind.
3. Faith is like a Foundation
A. Read 1 Chronicles 16:12
B. What is the foundation: A miraculous experience from the past, previously answered prayer, a word of knowledge, a vision, dreams, “rhema” word, etc.
C. Remembering how the Lord delivered you in the past strengthens your faith in the present and helps to stand firm.
4. Faith is like a Title Deed
A. Read Hebrews 11:1
B. A title deed indicates a person’s ownership over a property.
C. Likewise faith is God’s title deed to man. You didn’t conceive it yourself. God gave it to you instead. This God-given faith guarantees that the Lord will deliver you indeed.
James 2:17 says that faith if not accompanied by deeds is dead. Then how do we exercise faith in prayer/sickness/crisis? It depends.
A. Spoken word: In Luke 4:38-39 Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law by rebuking the sickness. Speak to the situation. (Ex: Sickness, I command you to leave in the name of Jesus!)
B. Persistent prayer: in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul urged the church to pray without ceasing.
C. Obedience: Hebrews 11:8 says that Abraham obeyed by faith.
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