The largest ‘Pyramid’ in Egypt belongs to Khufu, an Egyptian Pharaoh. Studies have revealed it took around 6700 highly skilled men (let alone the slaves) and 20 years of labor to build. Why did Khufu put such a huge effort into building himself a tomb? The Egyptians believed in life after death so much that they made preparations while they were still alive. You see, God had placed eternity in their hearts.
The ancient Egyptians although they were pagans have a very important message for us living in the 21st century. The time to prepare for tomorrow is today! In today’s sermon, we are going to find out how to do this in accordance with God’s word?
1. Heavenly treasures
(Matthew 6:20)
A. When an Egyptian Pharaoh died all of his possessions were placed in his Pyramid along with the body, (total opposite of Jesus’ teaching).
B. Truth is Man can’t hold onto what is temporary and look forward to eternity at the same time because earthly treasures pull us back, (Matthew 6:21).
C. Just like Jesus said, Pyramids became a constant target of treasure hunters, moths, and decay. There’s no treasure but empty rooms in those Pyramids today.
2. Build wisely
(1 Corinthians 3:10-15)
A. Pyramids also boasted of its owner’s power and authority. Therefore Pharaoh’s assured their tombs were made to stand the test of time.
B. How foolish builders these Pharaohs were? Today all of these great structures lie in ruins.
C. In this verse, Paul likens ministry to the construction of a building. The wise Christian also, like a good builder pays careful attention to every area of his ministry.
3. Accept Christ as the Savior
(Revelation 14:13)
A. The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. They did not believe in heaven and hell though.
B. The Bible strongly disagrees, however. Heaven and hell exist. Man must die once and face judgment, (Hebrews 9:27)
C. All are sinners and condemned to suffer in hell forever. The only way out is to accept Christ as the personal savior.
There are some very valuable lessons for God’s children here. Let’s consider each one of these lessons.
1. How to gather treasures in heaven?
A. Use our Earthly resources in ways that will benefit us in Heaven instead of just enriching our lives here.
B. Matthew 19:21 confirms this assumption. He said we can store up treasure in Heaven by using our Earthly treasure to help the poor and needy.
C. Last but not least remember that our life on earth is temporary. Be prepared to leave this earth when the call comes. Until then live for Christ, (Philippians 1:21)
2. How to build wisely?
A. Build on the right foundation: Build your ministry upon Jesus the only right foundation. Don’t build on top of money, fame, skills, power, or anything else.
B. Use the right materials: At first glance, it looks like Paul mentions six different kinds of materials here. But in fact, there are only two kinds: costly or cheap.
C. Costly material: Anointing, grace, good attitudes, service, submission, ethics, accountability. Cheap materials: Competition, pride, self-dependence.
3. How to accept Christ as the Savior?
A. Remember, you receive salvation from your heart, not the head. You can’t accept Christ unless you surrender your pride and head knowledge first.
B. In your heart accept that you are a sinner in need of a savior. Ask God for forgiveness, simply but sincerely.
C. Confess that Jesus is your Lord. Believe him as your only hope for salvation. (Conclude with the sinner’s prayer)
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