Category: Sermon Outlines Page 9 of 22

Sermons in outlines. 03+ main points and 3+ sub points per main point.

Sermon: The Message of the Cross

Photo of a cross on top of a Church Roof.


A signboard on the road with a cross reminds us that a hospital is nearby. A van with a red cross on it is an ambulance. The “Red Cross” got its name because they use a red cross as their logo. Pharmacies carry a red cross on their signboards. All these signs remind us that help is nearby. Did you know there is a cross in the Bible too and this cross is special because behind it there’s a message from God? What is this message of the cross?

Sermon: Lessons from the Burning Bush

Photo of a man looking at a tree on fire.


The God of Small Things (1997) the debut novel by Arundhati Roy the Indian author, is a prime example of how small things in life affect people’s behavior and lives. The book won the Booker Prize in 1997.

Likewise, the account of God’s appearance to Moses through a burning bush in the wilderness, proves that small and insignificant things we experience actually affect our Christian life and faith in ways unimaginable. This incident transformed the life of Moses and the destiny of God’s people forever. In today’s sermon, let’s consider three lessons we can learn from the burning bush.

Sermon: Biblical Perspectives of Water Baptism

Photo of a man being Baptised in Water.


Some form of water baptism is almost universally practiced in all religions. It is not distinctively Christian, although Jesus adopted it as a way of His followers identifying with Christianity. Today it has come to be more commonly identified with Christianity, some even believing water baptism to be synonymous with salvation. But, just how important is water baptism? Let’s take a walk through scripture to see: [A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Published with permission]

Sermon: Leading in times of Crisis

Paper Boats on Solid Surface


This month could be called a very difficult time in the history of our church. We are walking under a fresh wave of persecution that erupted on the 3rd of this month.  Persecution is definitely not something pleasant. Yet I am glad that God permitted me to walk through it and in this sermon I am going to tell you why?

Sermon: Moving with God’s Plan


God’s purpose to raise the nation of Israel followed an amazing plan that involved three major nations called Hebrews, Egyptians, and Canaanites and many individuals like Abraham, Joseph, his brothers, Epiphany’s wife, the Egyptian king’s cup bearer, the Pharaoh, and his daughter, Moses, and Aaron, Joshua and Caleb and Rahab the prostitute (to name a few).

Sermon: The Unfaithful Servant

Photo of a colored man wearing a gold-coated Guy Fawkes Mask


What information about this servant can we glean from the biblical account? What was his history, what was he like, what happened to him? What lessons can we learn from his story? In what ways do our lives parallel his? Let’s take this passage apart and find out what it says to us. [A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Published with permission.]

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