Category: Sermon Outlines Page 17 of 22

Sermons in outlines. 03+ main points and 3+ sub points per main point.

Sermon: A Contemporary Look at the Second Coming of Christ – Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Second Coming of Jesus Sermon Series
A photo of the Sun hidden behind a cluster of clouds formed over a line of trees.


As I mentioned in my previous sermon also the four cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God are Salvation, Divine Healing, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Second Coming of Christ. Erroneous date-setters have inhibited many Pastors from preaching on this subject lest they are grouped with those fanatics. But, he is still coming! The recent worldwide revival plays into this picture; it is one of the signs of the imminent return of Christ. But there are many others, equally significant. In the next few weeks, we will examine several. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]

Sermon: A Contemporary Look at the Second Coming of Christ – Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Second Coming of Jesus Sermon Series
Scening view of the sky during sunset.


For my text, I have selected only one scripture that foretells the coming of Christ. There are scores of others. The Assemblies of God recognizes four teachings as the cornerstones of our doctrinal statement.

Salvation, Divine Healing, Holy Spirit Baptism, and the Second Coming of Christ are those four teachings. The erroneous date settings by a few misguided mystics have caused this doctrine to be pushed to the back burner in recent years, but I believe it is time for us to brush the dust from it and examine it again in the light of recent events. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission.]

Sermon: How to Win the Battle with Temptation?

Sermon: How to win the battle with temptation?


From Eve to Jesus Christ to us, the temptation is a universal problem. It is an issue common to every man (1 Corinthians 10:13.) Basically, temptation falls into the three categories of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, (1 John 2:150 Both Eve and Jesus were exposed to all three temptations at once. But, the temptation is not sinning itself! It is the avenue to sin. You can win the battle over temptation by following several simple rules. Today’s message is about those rules. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]

Sermon: Jesus heals Bartimaeus

Photo of a blind man in a black shirt and blue jeans holding a white cane.


Blindness was prevalent through infection at birth in N.T. times. There must have been thousands throughout Judea. Why was Bartimaeus singled out to receive his healing? I believe there were four reasons. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]

Sermon: Lessons from Jacob the Grabber

Sermon: Lessons from Jacon the Grabber and Esau the Fool


The two boys in our story today came from a godly home, but a dysfunctional home nonetheless.  It may seem strange that a godly home could be dysfunctional but Jacob and Esau had the deck stacked against them by their own parents.  Isaac favored Esau, his rugged outdoorsman, while Rebekah preferred gentle Jacob, and neither hesitated to let their feelings show. [Image Credit: Govert Flinck, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission.]

Sermon: David faces tragedy in Ziklag

A black and white photograph of Michael Angelo's David


I concluded my previous sermon by saying it doesn’t matter how fast we run from the truth because the truth will catch up to us one day. It caught up with David also when the Amalekites attacked Ziklag, burned it to the ground, and took the women and children captive. David from a place of having it all had fallen into a place where everything was lost. To the natural eye, things couldn’t get any worse. But from God’s point of view, this was a good place to be in, not a bad place. Here’s why?

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