Category: Sermon Outlines Page 13 of 22

Sermons in outlines. 03+ main points and 3+ sub points per main point.

Christmas Sermon 2010: The Bethlehem’s Baby and the Divine Design

Christmas sermon 2010: The Bethlehem’s baby and the divine design


Bethlehem today is a thriving town, inhabited mostly by Christian Arabs (in name if not in fact). But, in the time of Christ, it was a tiny, insignificant town, known only for the fact that it had once been King David’s hometown. How was it that Jesus Christ, Son of God and King of the Universe would choose to be born here in a lowly cow stall?

Sermon: Peter and the Miraculous catch of Fish

Sermon: Peter and the miraculous catch of fish


All of us face problems in this lifetime. Most of them are issues we can control. But sometimes we face ones that are beyond our control. Two thousand years ago a fisherman called Peter had such a problem too. One night Peter and his friends tried every tool and trick of the trade – but didn’t catch a single fish. The next morning he met Jesus who seemed to control even mother nature. Peter followed his instructions and caught a great load of fish in the broad daylight.

Sermon: Why we must not Gossip?

Multiethnic students gossip about black men with a notepad.


Four clergymen, taking a short break from their busy schedules, were on a park bench, chatting when one of them proposed they should discuss the problems that are disturbing them and all agreed. One of them confessed that he consumes alcohol in secret. The other one said that he gambles and cannot quit. Then the third clergyman said that he is attracted to a married woman in his parish. Finally, the fourth clergyman voiced his problem before walking away while others watched him in horror. “You see, I’m an incurable gossip.”

Sermon: What is Faith?

Simple Motivational Inscription against Doubt


Karl Williams (not his real name) was in the final stages of terminal cancer when he asked me, “Pastor, what is faith?” None of my glib answers seemed to be adequate at that point. Fortunately, Karl experienced real faith before he went home to be with Jesus. But, I have since pondered his question many times and I have sought to answer it. This sermon is yet another feeble attempt to do so. [Published with permission from Dr. Arnold Lastinger.]

Sermon: What to do when God is Silent?

White color empty speech bubble in a pink colored background.


Elijah had been used by God to hold back rain from the land for over 3 years, because of their sins. He became a man on the run because of this and we can only imagine the stress he experienced during those years. There’s one statement in the Bible that seems to further complicate Elijah’s situation. Consider this. “After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: “Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.”

Sermon: Christians and Committing Suicide

Sermon: Christians and Committing Suicide.


Paul was facing death at the hands of the Roman government. It would not have been a self-imposed death except that he could probably have escaped it by denying his faith in Christ. In Philippians 1:21-27 he discusses his ambivalent feelings about life and death. In a small measure, Maurice (not his real name) must have felt similar feelings. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Published with Permission]

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