On the night of 31st December 2011, even as we gathered at the church to say goodbye to the year 2011 I pondered, “what does it mean to step into a brand new year?” I remembered 3 things.
A. Humans lose the value of things very fast: A couple of days ago we kicked 2011 out and welcomed 2012 into life. It will be only a matter of time before we get rid of 2012 and say hello to 2013.
B. My time is running out: I am only 10 months away from turning 31. The Bible says the maximum life span of man is between 70-80. There’s a lot to accomplish for the glory of God.
C. Very few things are eternal: The new year also reminds us that most things (if not all) are temporary and not eternal.
In the meantime, the Holy Spirit reminded me of three truths that are eternal. Truths that never expire. Truths that never lose their original value. They are of great importance because a new year means new challenges and these truths the Holy Spirit of God illuminated to me from the word, will definitely help you to slay your giants in the year 2012.
1. God is Alive and not Dead
Read 1 Samuel 17:26
A. Consider David’s question: “…who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he defies the armies of the living God…?” (“Living God” used twice by David)
B. The Bible says the length of our days is 70-80 years. To man, the dawn of a new year means another step towards the grave. But for God, it’s not so. He is alive and lives forever.
C. Truth to live
2. God is always faithful to Us
Read 1 Samuel 17:34-37
A. Consider David’s reply to Saul, “…The LORD who delivered me from the lion and the bear will also deliver me from the hand of this Philistine…!”
B. Someone said the only thing that doesn’t change is “change” itself. Well, he is wrong. The Bible says that Jesus never changes.
C. Truth to live by: Do not be afraid when faced with problems. God was faithful to deliver you in 2011. He remains unchanged and faithful to deliver you in 2012 also.
3. God is our heavenly Father
Read 1 Samuel 17:36
A. Consider David’s view of Goliath, “…this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them…” (“uncircumcised” used twice by David) Circumcision was the physical identity of God’s chosen people. Only they could enjoy the truths mentioned before.
B. We too are entitled to enjoy these truths because we have become the children of God through faith in Christ, (Romans 8:15)
C. Truth to live by: This is very important. Remember, our relationship with the heavenly Father through Christ is eternal. Nothing can take it away unless I explicitly decide to walk away from my relationship with God.
Maybe there are some of you not able to experience these truths because all these years you didn’t make a decision about surrendering your life to God. If you are one of them let 2012 be the year that you do. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ and God will accept you into His family. The Bible says, “But to all who have received him, those who believe in his name, he has given the right to become God’s children” John 1:12 – If you are already a child of God, hold fast to these eternal truths and year 2012 will be the year you slew giants.
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