Since you must have listened to similar sermons many times before I won’t blame you if you are not expecting anything out of the ordinary. There are two reasons why I picked this topic, however. First, those who are new to faith need to be educated on the practice of tithing. Secondly, towards the conclusion of this sermon, I hope to deal with the right way of tithing than the reasons for doing so. Do note this sermon is not intended to condemn any of you but to give hope. So please relax and let the Holy Spirit of God speak to your hearts.
1. Tithing is the key to Financial Freedom
Read Malachi 3:8-9
A. The act of claiming ownership over someone else’s property is known as robbing.
B. When I don’t tithe I rob God by claiming ownership over what is rightfully His.
C. Consequently it escorts the curse of poverty into my life. Whereas starting tithing again is the only way to break the curse.
2. Tithing is the key to filling God’s House
Read Malachi 3:10
A. In tithing I support those who serve in God’s house. This is the main purpose of the tithe ordained by God himself.
B. In the OT the tithe served a 3 fold purpose. Sacrificial purposes, the domestic needs of the Levites, and for whatever emergencies faced.
C. My tithe helps to improve the ministries of the local church, supports the pastor, workers, and their families, and provides for emergencies.
3. Tithing is the key to Heavenly Blessings
Read Malachi 3:10b
A. In Tithing I operate a spiritual law that works like the law of gravity. It has to work.
B. I don’t have to ask God or even pray for blessing after I tithe. The tithe unlocks the blessings.
C. I have stopped praying for the tithe and the offerings in my church. God will bless the Tithe!
4. Tithing is the key to Financial Security
Read Malachi 3:11-12
A. Tithing triggers Supernatural provision and providence over my earnings. It’s the best insurance plan you can have in life.
B. What sort of protection: Protection from thieves, natural disasters, inflation, etc.
C. In failing to tithe the opposite becomes true because God doesn’t protect anything, not His.
5. Application
Now in conclusion let us consider the right way to practice tithing according to God’s holy word.
A. Treat it with Respect:
I. I set apart the 10% before I do anything else with the money I receive. Leftovers are not a tithe.
II. I can’t use the tithe in time of need and pay it later. You must honor the commitment.
B. Bring the whole Tithe:
I. The word “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. Therefore anything less than 10% is only a tip.
II. If you are tithing from crops offer the best unto God. Not what is left behind.
III. The Church is God’s only authorized storehouse. Giving to any other ministry is not tithing; it is offering.
C. Tithe with the Right Attitude:
I. This is very important. The attitude matters as much as the act. 3 unhealthy attitudes:
II. Tithing out of obligation: Wrong attitude. Remember, Abraham, tithed out of his free will, long before God even commanded tithing, (Genesis 14:18-20).
III. Limiting God: All I have is God’s, not just the 10%. (When I give the 10%, God blesses the 90% and multiplies it.)
IV. Conditional tithing: When I tithe God will meet my needs. God is not obliged to do, however. I don’t tithe to meet a need but to obey.
D. Practice it starting Right Now:
I. Tithing is a spiritual discipline all of us must develop. Start with the 10% and you will be able to give even more and be blessed much more.
II. Do it consistently and systematically just like God is consistent and systematic in the way he blesses you.
III. If you neglected to pay tithes in the past forget what you owe God (You can never repay God anyway). Obey God starting from today.
The blessings mentioned in the Bible are not just financial, however. After all, there’s more to life than money. Each time you tithe carefully observe how God blesses you in every other area of life as well as finances.
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