The origin of Halloween can be traced back to the early Druids in France who worshipped Samhain on the 1st of November. They believed evil spirits were left to harm people on such nights. People thought leaving food for them will neutralize the danger. Later on, the Catholics made it a Christian holiday which they called “All Saints’ day”. So the night before became the “Hallowed Evening”. Later on, it was shortened to “Halloween”. Halloween is not for the Children of God! But why? Let me explain to you. [A sermon preached by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Published with permission.]
(1) Pretends that Devil isn’t Real
(A) This is harmless if the spirit world never exists. Just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. (2 Kings 6:17)
(B) But the Bible says that Satan Exists and he is walking around like a hungry Lion, (Isaiah 14:12-15; 1 Peter 5:8)
(C) In fact the Bible tells us that Demons who does Satan’s bidding do exist (Job 4:18; 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 12:1-9)
(2) Pretends the Occult isn’t Real
(A) Do not tell your children there is no such thing as demons and angels. It’s a lie that the devil uses to conceal his presence.
(B) Halloween is a way of playing with the occult. You cannot play with fire and expect to get away safely.
(C) We are in a battle with the evil spirits, ( Ephesians 6:12). A soldier has nothing in common with his enemy.
(3) Halloween celebrates Darkness
(A) God has called us into the light, (Colossians 1:12-13). He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness.
(B) We have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11a)
(C) The deeds of the darkness are shameful. We should abstain from all kinds of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22)
Halloween is a day when people glorify Satan without their knowledge. It represents darkness, and we represent light. We have no deal with the useless deeds of the kingdom of evil. We should condemn even the slightest hint of evil. Say “No” to Halloween. Share these three truths about Halloween with your children when you go home today.
Share these three truths with your neighbors and discourage them from celebrating Halloween. The devil likes darkness because it allows him to roam freely causing destruction. Lack of knowledge also is a form of darkness. When you share the truth about Halloween and create awareness of its dangers it becomes much more difficult for Satan and his evil forces to carry out their will.
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