In the Old Testament, the metaphor of the cup stands for human life which can be filled with various things. The Bible says that Jesus allowed the father to fill his cup with wrath and suffering so that you and I can drink from the cup of salvation. Let’s see. [Image Credit: Jaci Lopes]
(1) The Cup of Suffering
Read Luke 22:42
(A) The meaning of “this cup” has been subject to intense debate. It’s doubtful that Jesus referred to physical death because he had already decided to die for the sin of humanity.
(B) In the OT the cup refers to the wrath of God (Psalm 75:8). Then it is more likely Jesus prayed to be delivered from the punishment of separation from God, (Matthew 27:46).
(C) Nevertheless, Jesus said not his but the will of the heavenly father be accomplished. Luke says an angel appeared and strengthened him afterward, (Luke 22:43).
(2) The Cup of Compromise
Read Mark 15:23
(A) Kindhearted women provided sedation for condemned prisoners to drink just before they were executed. Jesus refused it because it will deprive him of the physical pain.
(B) The first implication here has Jesus scorned the values of this world and the comforts of his body in order to carry out God’s will with a rigid and righteous discipline.
(C) Second, he expressed his resolve to fulfill the commitment that he had made in the garden. (…not mine, let yours be done…)
(3) The Cup of Salvation
Read Psalm 116:13
(A) Since Jesus accepted the cup of suffering and rejected the cup of compromise we can drink from the cup full of his saving grace.
(B) The content of the cup is called the living water. The same water Jesus offered to the woman at the well, (John 4:1-14)
(C) Anyone that calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save him from his sins drinks from this cup. This cup of salvation never runs dry, (Psalms 23:5)
(A) The Cup of Suffering and You
Separation from God is the ultimate penalty for sin, (Genesis 3:23-24). Since Jesus suffered man is not deprived of God’s presence anymore, (Matthew 27:51). Tonight, if any of you wish to know God on a personal level, believe the fact that you are accepted in the eyes of God because Christ suffered separation from God on your behalf.
Jesus didn’t ask God to change the situation and God answered Jesus’ prayer in a different manner. Very often our prayers are focused on changing the situation which isn’t wrong. However, there are times that we must discern God’s will in our situation and allow him to change us instead so that God will be glorified.
(B) The Cup of Compromise and You
Every day we are presented with the option to compromise or obey God. We cannot do both, (Matthew 6:24). We must carefully evaluate our options using God’s word before we finalize our decisions.
(C) The Cup of Salvation and You
Now is a great time to make a decision. Not tomorrow, but today and right now is the time to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
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