I concluded my previous sermon by saying it doesn’t matter how fast we run from the truth because the truth will catch up to us one day. It caught up with David also when the Amalekites attacked Ziklag, burned it to the ground, and took the women and children captive. David from a place of having it all had fallen into a place where everything was lost. To the natural eye, things couldn’t get any worse. But from God’s point of view, this was a good place to be in, not a bad place. Here’s why?
Read 1 Samuel 30:1-30
1. In Ziklag David remembered the Lord
A. Every support was gone. No one in Israel could help David. The Philistines didn’t want him. Even his friends spoke of stoning him.
B. Then David remembers the Lord his God whom he betrayed four years ago. We are told that David strengthened himself in the Lord.
C. Sometimes it’s good for us to lose everything because such situations draw us back to God.
2. In Ziklag David returned to the Word
A. David had to do something before it will be too late. But he was more patient this time. He actually took time to inquire of the Lord.
B. A noticeable change for someone who had not considered God’s will for a very long period.
C. Sometimes it’s good for us to lose everything because such situations draw us back to God’s Word.
3. In Ziklag David returned to Obedience
A. David had only 400 men with him. Since 400 Amalekites managed to flee we can assume that David and his men were outnumbered.
B. Still, David obeyed and trusted God for victory. Another noticeable change for someone who lived in disobedience for a long period.
C. Sometimes it’s good for us to lose everything because such situations drive us back to the place of total obedience to God.
A. It is important to renew our strength in the Lord always. How do we do it? By remembering what God has done in our life.
B. We must prayerfully inquire of the Lord every time we are in a dilemma concerning an important decision.
C. Inquiring of the Lord is not just enough. Sometimes the answer may not be what we expected. But we must obey nevertheless.
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