In this chapter, Jesus recognized the three basic needs of every man. Namely clothes, food, and medicine. In Jesus’ time, the average life expectancy of an individual didn’t exceed 40 years due to sickness and hardships. Continuous supplies of food and clothes were rare and considered a luxury. People were often worried and anxious about how to meet these needs. Then one day Jesus told them not to worry. He placed three reasons before them.
Read Matthew 6:25-34
1. Worry & Anxiety are Wrong Priorities
Matthew 6:25
(A) Jesus instructed his followers not to worry about physical needs. Quite often their entire existence was focused on their needs.
(B) Jesus is presenting a very sensible argument. There are more important things in life than food for a full stomach and clothing to cover the body.
(C) God gave us life and a body, both admittedly more important than food and clothing. He will give us everything we need in life.
2. God has promised to meet our Needs
Matthew 6:26-30
(A) According to Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 birds probably are the least and the cheapest of God’s creation. Still, God cares for them.
(B) Heating the oven is the most common use for dry grass, even today in some parts of the world. Still, God clothes them with wildflowers every day.
(C) If God takes such good care of less important parts of his creation how much more he will take care of man his crown creation.
3. Worry & Anxiety indicates Disbelief
Matthew 6:31-32
(A) God is already aware of our needs because he is omniscient. He meets the needs of his people in due time.
(B) Pagans don’t trust God for provision. Hence their obsessions lie with acquiring enough daily commodities.
(C) Therefore worry and anxiety indicates disbelief. Security is the fruit of faith anchored in God.
4. Worry & Anxiety is a waste of Life
Matthew 6:33-34
(A) Finally, worry over tomorrow’s misfortune doesn’t make any sense at all because today has enough to occupy our attention and God has given us the grace to meet the needs of that day. This is a repetition of Exodus 16:19.
(B) Besides tomorrow’s feared misfortunes may never happen and today’s grace is sufficient only for today and should not be wasted on tomorrow. If tomorrow does bring new trouble, there will be new grace to meet it.
(C) How marvelous and how beautiful that God takes care of us, his creation. Unfortunately though like that just like that old hymn “What a Friend We have in Jesus” says we don’t carry our burdens to God in prayer.
Unlike the people in Jesus’ day, we are no longer worried about food, clothes, or medicine. There’s plenty. Then what makes Jesus’ words relevant to us? How do we understand what was said then and there now and here? If Jesus lived among us today he would have said: “Don’t worry about money.”
In Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 Jesus told his disciples “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” (AMP).
In other words, God will bless our finances when we take care of his business. How do we pursue God’s Kingdom? We contribute to the furtherance of his Kingdom on earth. There are three ways we can contribute to the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.
(A) We contribute with our Prayers
We can pray that God’s Kingdom will come in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to save sinners, destroy the works of Satan, heal the sick, and magnify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 6:10)
(B) We contribute with our Labor
We need to get involved in Christian ministry through the local church by contributing our physical labor to further the vision and mission of the local church, (Exodus 35:25).
(C) We contribute by Giving
Giving is a way of contributing to God’s Kingdom. Tithing is a good start. It helps to give systematically. (See also, Practical Reasons for Tithing and Principles of Giving). In return, God has promised to bless our finances, (Malachi 3:10-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Since most Christians wonder what it means to seek God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness I would like to conclude with a further explanation of the principle. With help from the Holy Spirit, we must seek to obey the commands of Christ, possess Christ’s righteousness, remain separated from the world, and show Christ’s love towards everyone. When we do God will bless our needs. Jesus repeated this principle in John 15:7; 16. (See also, The Parable of the Vine and the Branches)
What peace we often forfeit
Joseph M. Scriven: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
O what needless pain we bear
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer!
Let’s not forget however that Jesus did not mean that it is wrong to make provisions for future physical needs, (2 Corinthians 12:14; 1 Timothy 5:8) What he did forbid is worrying and or anxiety that shows a lack of faith in God’s fatherly care and love.
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