In my previous sermon, we learned 03 principles that David used to defeat Goliath and how those principles can help us to defeat our own Goliaths. Victory over Goliath was a turning point in his life. However, while this victory was met with the compliments of the majority David couldn’t avoid King Saul’s outright hostility. Consequently, David was forced into 08 years of self-exile. Tonight we will consider a few implications of this story. [Image Credit: Bradley Weber]
1. No good deed ever goes Unpunished
(Read 1 Samuel 18:1-30; 19:1-24; 20:1-42)
A. David became a man loved by the King’s family, his army, and the people of Israel. Women often sang about their adventures when they danced.
B. The foolish king however perceived David to be a threat because he outranked him in popularity.
C. In ministry and life, we will receive compliments as well as criticism. The way we choose to respond to these will make the difference.
2. The end doesn’t justify the Means
(Read 1 Samuel 22:6-19)
A. David wanted to establish an environment of secrecy and lied to Ahimelech the priest, the very person who helped him.
B. David’s lie protected him from king Saul but 85 priests lost their lives. They could have escaped to safety had he told the truth.
C. Compromising will solve the problem at hand. Only to create worse problems in the long run.
3. There’s only one God. We’re not Him
(Read 1 Samuel 24:3-4; 24:5-7; 26:1-25)
A. King Saul feared David’s increasing popularity and sought to eliminate him although the young warrior hadn’t offended Saul in any way.
B. King Saul’s response was typical but David’s wasn’t. He spared Saul’s life many times despite his right to defend himself.
C. In ministry as well as life it is important that we allow God to handle opposition without taking matters into our own hands.
In ministry and in life it’s easy to feel hopeful when people appreciate us but there will be dark times also because we will meet people who condemn us. There will be times when we will feel all alone. Unlike David, that’s when we must focus on God the most. We cannot take matters into our hands no matter how bad the problem is and we cannot compromise how good the solution at hand may look. We must let go and let God take full control of the situation.
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