Blindness was prevalent through infection at birth in N.T. times. There must have been thousands throughout Judea. Why was Bartimaeus singled out to receive his healing? I believe there were four reasons. [A sermon by Dr. Arnold Lastinger. Used with permission]
Read Mark 10:46-52
1. Right source and right to the Source
A. He knew that Christ had the key to healing. Where else might he have tried? Doctors? Quacks? Sorcerers? None were able to help.
B. How often do we run elsewhere to find what we need, but to no avail. God’s Word says “Call for the elders of the church.” Perhaps, as a last resort, he came to Jesus.
C. It matters not where else we have searched so long as we come to Jesus before it is too late.
2. He ignored the Opinions of Others
A. The crowd tried to intimidate him. Imagine the cries of the crowd: “Don’t make a fool of yourself.” “This religious stuff is for mentally unstable people.” “The Master doesn’t have time for you”
B. Still, Bartimaeus was determined to have his sight. Now it would have been easy to keep quiet.
C. But, how many other blind people missed their chance to see because they would not come to Jesus. Afraid of rebuke or criticism from others. Not Bartimaeus. He was determined to see.
3. Bartimaeus exercised his faith in Christ
A. He cried out to Jesus as he passed by. He refused to be silenced by the crowd. Casting away his outer garment he moved toward Jesus.
B. He made known his need for the Master. Jesus told him, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Not his persistence, not his righteousness, not his social standing.)
C. Bartimaeus risked ridicule because he expected to be healed. Faith is expecting it to happen. A resolution to do something is not enough. He had to follow through. Note also that he came to Jesus, Jesus did not come to him; which indicates his faith.
4. He became a follower of Christ
A. The initial encounter is not enough. Bartimaeus evidenced continuing faith in Christ.
B. Jesus is not content to be just a “crisis counselor”. He wants to be an ever-present companion and a friend.
C. He is there in times of crisis, but He is also just as real when we are unaware of His presence.
A. Probably no one here today is blind, but some here today are spiritually blind. You may have groped through life, vainly trying to find your way, but to no avail (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
B. Are you blind to the beauty of this joyous Christian life? Like Bartimaeus, the crowd will try to stop you, but the crowd is bound for Hell.
C. You can go on groping through life, trying to find answers, or you can come to Jesus and receive your sight. The choice is yours.
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