I want to begin this message with a rhetorical question: When the term “hero” is mentioned, who comes to your mind? For some, it might be “reel-life” characters like “Spider Man” or “Wonder Woman,” while others may recall real-life luminaries such as Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa. Regardless of whether they exist in “reel-life” or real life, they universally share a defining characteristic—they willingly sacrifice themselves to better the world for others.
Their selflessness and readiness to put themselves in harm’s way for the greater good are emblematic of true heroism. The Bible introduces us to an array of exemplary figures, such as Moses, Rahab, and David. However, today, I aim to shift our focus to three often-overlooked heroes in the Bible, emphasizing that each of us has the potential to be an unsung hero or heroine in our daily lives, even if the world may never fully acknowledge our contributions.
As we look into the mysterious stories of these people whose names we don’t know, let’s understand why they are mentioned in the Bible and think about the important spiritual lessons in their stories. Even though we don’t know much about them, their experiences can teach us valuable lessons that apply to our faith journeys. By learning from these mysterious stories, we find that the sacrifice of one person can bring about many positive changes, and we gain wisdom when we listen to the Holy Spirit.
There are times when we might feel tired of doing good, especially when it seems like nobody’s taking notice of our sacrificial efforts. Yet, the Bible’s inclusion of the deeds of these unsung heroes of faith serves as a solemn reminder that our sacrifices will not go unnoticed by the Lord. These stories encourage us to persist in doing good without becoming weary, as we will eventually reap the rewards, as mentioned in Galatians 6:9. With that in mind, let me draw your attention to the first unsung hero in my list.
1. King Saul’s Unnamed Servant
The actions of an unnamed servant in King Saul’s court serve as a powerful reminder of how even a seemingly insignificant person can be used by the Lord. We encounter this servant in the Book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 16, Verse 18. The Bible simply refers to him as “one of the servants.” The author of 1 Samuel mentions that during this time, Saul was troubled by a distressing spirit because he had turned away from God. The palace servants decided to find a skilled harp player to bring comfort to the king.
At that time of crisis, this particular servant stepped forward and brought David to the king’s attention. He described David as a man skilled in playing the harp, a mighty and brave warrior, wise in his speech, and handsome. Most importantly, he highlighted that David had a strong relationship with the Lord in his life. What a generous endorsement! Unlike Saul who envied David later this servant served as a stepping stone for David and played a crucial role in God’s plan for Israel.
Living it Out:
The story of this unknown servant has a stark contrast with “Summit Fever,” a term coined by the media following the tragic death of David Sharp, one of the 350+ individuals who lost their lives attempting to summit Mount Everest. The term encapsulates a disturbing reality – as numerous climbers passed by Sharp, visibly alive and in distress, none extended a helping hand. This comparison reminds us of the impact even small acts of sacrifice can have on the lives of others.
Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mount Everest with Tenzing Norgay, said, “I think the whole attitude towards climbing Mount Everest has become rather horrifying. The people just want to get to the top. They don’t care for anybody else who may be in distress.” His words remind us that helping each other on any journey, whether up a mountain or through life is an indispensable responsibility of every Christian. The Apostle Paul also expressed a similar idea in Philippians 2:4.
So what sets this servant apart as an unsung hero? Unlike Saul who was fixated on killing David and crowning his son Jonathan, this nameless servant extolled the virtues of David, imparting a profound lesson about aiding others in their life ascent, even when it yields no direct benefit to ourselves. Today, David is celebrated as the multitalented King of Israel. However, the journey to fulfilling his destiny would have been much longer and more challenging without the intervention of this lowly servant.
In following the example of this servant, we recognize that true greatness lies in serving others rather than seeking personal acclaim. By fostering a spirit of encouragement and support for those around us, we contribute to a community where each individual can flourish in their God-given abilities. The journey of the unknown servant reminds us that our impact on others can extend far beyond what we may initially perceive, and in uplifting those around us, we mirror the love and grace that God shower upon us daily.
2. The Man of God from Judah
Next, let me draw your attention to the young prophet we encounter in 1 Kings Chapter 13. The author of 1 Kings and 2 Kings simply refers to him as a “… man of God from Judah…” Despite this lack of detailed information, we tend to focus on his failures in following God’s instructions and the tragic manner in which he died, being attacked, and killed by a Lion. Today, however, I want to highlight the courageous attitude displayed by this prophet when confronting King Jeroboam, who was known for his wickedness.
It’s important to understand the historical context in which this prophet ministered. Back then, there were no protections for freedom of speech or expression as we have today. Lawlessness ruled the land, and God’s prophets faced significant risks when speaking out against the powerful. Nevertheless, this young prophet without a name followed the commands of the Lord and bravely confronted a murderous king, which is why I consider him an unsung hero.
Living it Out:
Someone said, “You can either grab the headlines or end up as a footnote. The choice is yours!” Well, I have got news for you. Not everyone making headlines is a true hero, and not everyone ending up as a footnote is a loser. The NLT comprises a total of 716,000 words, and within its pages, the book of Obadiah, the shortest among the Minor Prophets, consists of only 440 words. Interestingly, throughout the entire Bible, a mere 27 words make direct reference to this prophet whose name is not known up to this day.
In the Bible, prophets are typically categorized as Major Prophets or Minor Prophets based on the length of their writings. However, this anonymous prophet has left no recorded words, making him even less prominent than the Minor Prophets. Maybe you have arrived at a spot in life where you feel like an insignificant, unknown, and perhaps lonely man of God. You are frustrated and discouraged. Nevertheless, I urge you not to lose heart despite the way you feel. Here’s why?
The passage contains two miraculous events, such as the splitting of the altar and the withering of King Jeroboam’s hand. However, what captivates my interest the most is the fulfillment of the prophecy after an extensive period of 300 years, spanning approximately 12 generations (2 Kings 21:26; 22:1-20; 23:1-10). The fulfillment of this prophecy reminds me of the words spoken by a former US President, Barrack Obama, when Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 2, 2011, almost a decade after the 9/11 attacks.
“The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.” Today, I charge you to be courageous in carrying out the commissions of God because His plans will always come to fruition, just as Isaiah 55:11 promises. Even if you do not witness the fruit of your labor in your lifetime, remember that the Lord is always faithful, as emphasized in Hebrews 11:13. God never lies!
3. Naaman’s Company of Servants
Although Naaman is the protagonist of the story, the true heroes are his servants. Initially, a slave girl directs him to the prophet Elisha, (2 Kings 5:2-3). Later, we encounter a group of servants who show remarkable wisdom and courage. These servants despite the risk to their own lives managed to reason with Naaman, an arrogant, easily angered, foolish, egoistic, genocidal, maniac, who contemplated returning home without following the prophet’s advice, (2 Kings 5:13-14).
If it weren’t for those wise servants, the unsung heroes, in the story, Naaman would have returned home that day and put his wife’s slave girl to death in his anger and the incident could have led to the Assyrian empire declaring war against Judah once again. In essence, Naaman’s servants played a crucial role in preventing disastrous consequences and acted as the true heroes of the story, overshadowing even the protagonist himself. Although they are long gone their legacy lives forever in the word of God.
Living it Out:
While preparing for this sermon, I came across the story of a Russian soldier who played a crucial role in preventing a potential nuclear war between the former Soviet Union and the United States of America. On September 26, 1983, during the Cold War, the late Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov received an alert about five American Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles headed toward the Soviet Union. Petrov faced a great dilemma because it could be a false positive but he was overwhelmed with uncertainty.
He had to make a decision. Report the incoming American strike, triggering a Soviet nuclear retaliation, or consider it a false alarm and refrain from reporting. He chose not to report, and it turned out to be a false alarm. On that day, his decision saved the lives of 468 million people in both countries. Despite Petrov’s heroic actions, his government did not acknowledge or commend him for averting a potential disaster that could have led to World War III. Instead, he was arrested and subjected to relentless interrogation.
Similarly, the story of Naaman’s servants exemplifies the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 15:1, providing us with a profound and practically applicable lesson. When faced with conflict, we can glean invaluable insights from these servants’ actions. The principle illuminated here is that how we respond holds immense power to either defuse tension or exacerbate it. By adopting a gentle and empathetic demeanor, we can effectively alleviate the flames of anger and hostility that often accompany distressing situations.
The deeds of these unsung heroes align with the sentiment expressed in the seventh beatitude found in Matthew 5:9 – A significant avenue through which we contribute to peace is by spreading the gospel, recognizing that God has bestowed upon us the ministry of reconciliation, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians chapter 5:18. “But all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ [making us acceptable to Him] and gave us the ministry of reconciliation [so that by our example we might bring others to Him]” (AMP)
Through evangelism, we actively participate in the restoration of peace between humanity and the God whom they have rejected and offended. Each individual reconciled to God through these efforts is spared from perishing in hell, casting us as unsung heroes as we engage in the task of reconciling people to God.
It is conceivable that a common thread exists woven through these unsung heroes’ narratives. What sets them apart is the absence of any initial intention to emerge as heroes; their actions were not motivated by a desire for recognition or rewards. Instead, their selfless sacrifices were driven by a profound commitment to fulfilling what they perceived as what was best for the well-being of others. As a result, even though their names may not be explicitly mentioned, their deeds have been recorded in the annals of history.
With unwavering conviction, they believed that their recompense would transcend the earthly realm, finding its culmination in heavenly blessings. In the present moment, I am firmly persuaded that these remarkable individuals form an integral part of the illustrious assembly of witnesses alluded to by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 12:1. We should adopt their attitude as our own today.
God expects us to sacrifice our ambitions to help others achieve their highest calling from God, much like the servant of King Saul, rather than undermining or hindering them. He desires us to exhibit the boldness and courage of the Judean Prophet, understanding that as humans, we are bound to make mistakes. God has commanded us to bring reconciliation between humanity and Himself, akin to the servants who facilitated the reconciliation of Naaman with Elisha.
The aforementioned Petrov did not receive recognition from his own country. However, more than two decades later, he was honored at the United Nations, awarded the Dresden Peace Prize, and featured in the documentary titled “The Man Who Saved the World.” While on Earth, we may go unnoticed as unsung heroes, but one day, in Heaven, Jesus will acknowledge our heroism and reward us personally from God. He will say, “Well done, loyal and dedicated servant!”
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