Category: Sermon Manuscripts Page 3 of 15

Full-length Sermon Manuscripts with illustrations.

Sermon Notes: God’s Antidote for Your Christmas Blues

Photo of a Brown Pinecone beside Candle Lantern used for Sermon Notes on 2 Timothy 4:9-12 for Christmas 2020


A blessed Christmas to all of you! By no stretch of the imagination, this year has been an easy one. Still, we are gathered here today in celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for God has been gracious to us. There are many religious holidays around the world. Still, Christmas is unique because it’s the only celebration in the entire year that brings people together, regardless of their gender, beliefs, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, language, and, social status.

Sermon Notes: Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Senior caucasian man holding blank empty banner while covering mouth with his hand, shocked and afraid of a mistake he made with a surprised expression on his face.


Mistakes! How interesting? CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel) once published the story of James Howells. Howells had mistakenly discarded a hard disk with a large sum of bitcoins in it. It was too late when he realized what happened. The hard disk ended up in a garbage dump getting buried underneath tons of waste. Retrieval was not only impossible but illegal. That mistake cost Howell a whopping 127 million dollars in bitcoins! He never saw the hard drive or his precious bitcoins again.

Sermon Notes: How to Finish Well?

A photo of a black man crossing the “Finish” Line.


Since ‘How to Finish Well?’ is the title of my message I believe it’s fitting, to begin with, a word about ‘Last Words’. Last words can be very sentimental. ‘I’ll finally get to see Marilyn’ were the last words of Joe DiMaggio. They inspire sorrow sometimes. ‘Oh, God. What’s happened?’ were the last words of Princess Diana. The last words of Edward H. Rulloff, convicted serial killer surely strikes terror into our hearts. His last words were ‘I’d like to be in hell in time for dinner.’

Sermon Notes: The Role of a Godly Father

Man Carrying a Baby


Today is Fathers’ Day, and I want to start my message by congratulating all the Fathers because by no stretch of the imagination, being a Father is an easy task. My good friend Gangai Victor once said, being a Father can be scary sometimes. Although fatherhood is an enormous privilege a man can have, it can be confusing, frustrating, and even painful sometimes.

Sermon Notes: Responding to New Atheists in the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic

People wearing DIY Masks


New Atheists have become very much active on Social Media ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 or Corona pandemic. Who is a new atheist, you might wonder? A new atheist is a follower of the philosophy called New Atheism, which is a much more innocent term for Antitheism or Anti-God.

Sermon Notes: Powerful Lessons from Hannah on Mother’s Day

A heartwarming image capturing a tender moment between a young mother and her precious baby.


In the vast tapestry of the Bible, we encounter a number of remarkable mothers. From Eve, the mother of all living things, to Sarah, the promised mother, to Jochabed, the sacrificial mother, to Naomi, the spiritual mother, and finally to Mary, the blessed mother of our Savior. On this joyous occasion of Mother’s Day, however, I want to draw your attention to the inspiring story of Hannah. Now, we all know the words in the Gospel of St. John chapter 3 verse 16 by heart, which tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, His firstborn. But did you know that Hannah, too, gave her firstborn son to God? It’s a tale of unwavering faith and surrender.

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