Category: Sermon Manuscripts Page 12 of 15

Full-length Sermon Manuscripts with illustrations.

Sermon Notes: Why the Lord is my Shepherd?

Sermon notes: Why God is my Shepherd?


Today we are going to look at the Psalm 23. This is a favorite passage of many. Countless numbers throughout many generations have found hope in it in times of great fear and panic. I came to know that even President George W. Bush quoted from this passage when he addressed the nation from the oval office on the evening of the 911 attacks. In Psalm 23, David speaks quite personally of God. He claims that the Lord is his Shepherd. This morning I believe it’s worth finding out why David said God is his shepherd and why we can say the same today. In this message I will be using the titles “God” and “Lord” interchangeably.

Sermon Notes: Jesus washes the Disciples’ Feet

Biblical vector illustration of Jesus washing apostles' feet.


The last night of Jesus’ earthly ministry was very eventful. He prayed His great High Priestly prayer, taught His Disciples many valuable truths, observed the Passover meal with His Disciples, and was betrayed into the hands of His enemies. Through all of this, Jesus knows that in the morning, He will go to Calvary and die on a cross for the sin of humanity.

Sermon Notes: Our Spiritual Act of Worship

People in a church with their hands lifted in Worship.


Romans chapters 9 and 11 formed a break in Paul’s letter to the Romans. In those passages, Paul’s focus was on salvation and the Jew. Paul wanted to show them that God was not neglecting them in this present age, but that they could be saved by calling on the name of the Lord. Now, Paul returns to the main idea of his letter. He has spent considerable time telling us how we are saved, what we are saved from, and what salvation has done for us. In this last section of the book, Paul’s focus shifts to some very practical matters. He will discuss many aspects of everyday living in this world.

Sermon Notes: How to gain Rest from Weariness and Burdens?

A photo of a relaxed woman with her hands stretched in the Autumn with an expression of rest on her face.


Although a very common word, in the context of Matthew “rest” means the opportunity to enjoy the perfect, unshakable confidence of salvation in our Lord in this life as well as in the life to come. When we rest in God we have absolute trust and confidence in his power meaning there is no reason to fear any situation or any man. Tonight I will show you how to enter this place of God’s perfect rest. Let us read from Matthew 11:25-30. (Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Sermon Notes: The Virus of Envy and the Cancer of Jealousy and the Antidote

A photo of wooden letters forms the words envy and jealousy on white background.


In my sermon titled “4 reasons why Christians must not Lie” I stated lying is the most common sin in the church. Today I want to talk about yet another sinful practice that the bible calls one of the deadly sins. It’s none other than “Envy”. Speaking of envy, we cannot talk about it without talking about its cousin “Jealousy” – Envy and Jealousy have slight differences but the effects of envy and jealousy on our relationships and life are very much the same.

The cousins of envy and jealousy can suck the life out of our relationships and steal our peace of mind. Today I want to dive deeper into God’s word with you to learn more about envy and jealousy and show you how to overcome the dominion of envy and jealousy in your life. (Also check my sermon titled “Why we must not Gossip?” Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Sermon Notes: Lessons from the Lord’s Prayer

Photo of a person holding black letter cutouts over a Bible


In the early days, Jesus’ disciples didn’t view their master’s sudden disappearance as a big problem. But as the time went on they were very bothered, and began to be inquisitive of what was happening? Maybe they secretly followed Jesus Christ to the garden of Gethsemane, to find out what is He doing? They saw Jesus go down on their knees and have a quiet conversation with His heavenly father. This caught their interest so much that they wanted to do the same. Then they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.

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