The Bible records at least 6 prayers Jesus prayed (his actual words). Among these, we attribute a high degree of importance to Jesus’ prayer at the Mount of Olives because it was his last prayer before the arrest and the words used in it clearly indicate his human nature.
His words “yet not my will, but yours be done” marks the climax of the prayer. Together they form the key verse that unlocks Luke’s true purpose behind the narrative. Luke implies that Jesus fulfilled his Father’s will even at the point of death and challenges us to do the same. Although Jesus’ words were a prayer, not a sermon, in it we find four principles about living out the will of God.
Read Luke 22:39-44
1. Intimacy
Read: Luke 22:39-41 (Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.)
A. Living out God’s will is easier if we can trust him wholeheartedly.
B. To trust him however we must get to know him in an intimate manner.
C. Intimacy is achieved through regular prayer and worship.
2. Submission
Read: Luke 22:42 (Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”)
A. Intimacy takes us to new heights of faith.
B. We learn that God brings the best out of every situation.
C. This knowledge of God inspires in us a voluntary submission to his will.
3. Grace
Read: Luke 22:43 (An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.)
A. Submission earns grace. It serves two purposes.
B. Strength to thrive when we are exhausted and want to give up.
C. Assurance of God’s presence in times of great calamity and excruciating pain.
4. Focus
Read: Luke 22:44 (And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.)
A. Two reasons why we need to readjust our focus constantly.
B. We occupy a world that values its own desires over God’s will.
C. Unless we are focused on God our own selves can distract us from God.
In conclusion, I decided to quote some examples from the life of Paul the Apostle because his life reflects all the qualities we discussed above.
A. Intimacy:
Paul knew Christ in an intimate manner. Thus he trusts Christ and risked anything he could call his without any second thoughts, (Philippians 3:10).
B. Submission:
The submission that intimacy commanded in Paul was so powerful he was glad to lay his life down to fulfill the purpose Christ called him to fulfill, (Philippians 1:21)
C. Grace:
It’s not exaggerating to say the sufferings of Paul were second only to the sufferings of Christ. But he found strength in God’s grace, (2 Corinthians 12:9)
D. Focus:
Although often surrounded by distractions Paul maintained his focus until he fulfilled the will of God for him, (Philippians 3:14; 2 Timothy 4:7).
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