In the Bible, God used many men and women to carry out his plan to bless all the people of the earth. Followed by Noah, Abraham is the second person in the Bible whom God called forward to serve him. What can we learn from the life of Abraham today?
Read Genesis 12:1-9
1. Abraham was called for Consecration
A. Abraham was a born idol worshipper whose father Terah was a professional maker of idols. His entire family worshipped idols made with their own hands. His background, however, is that of a man least qualified for such a divine task. But God doesn’t always call the qualified. Sometimes He qualifies the called.
B. Consecration (setting apart for his service) was one of the many ways in which God qualified Abraham for service. God as a part of this process wanted Abraham to make a decision. To leave his unbelieving community, their ways, and their country. The Bible says Abraham decided to obey God.
C. Implications: God called me out from the world to serve a very special purpose and I must set myself apart for him because I cannot serve two masters, (Matthew 6:24). Just like Abraham, I have many choices before me and God wants me to pick what pleases him most by leaving my old ways behind and becoming fully committed to his call.
2. He obeyed and left the Comfort Zone
A. Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldees. (present-day in Iraq). In Abraham’s time, it was a bustling seaport, where trade was conducted with India and Africa. The city was a center of intellectual activity. The region was well suited for raising flocks and herds also.
B. Frankly speaking, although Abraham obeyed immediately he actually embarked himself and his family on a journey of uncertainty than faith. He lacked nothing and he was secure where he was (comfort zone). Still decided to risk everything in order to pursue God’s promise and God never failed him.
C. Implications: God’s purpose for my life is too big to fit into my comfort zone. I cannot remain in my comfort zone and hope I will be able to serve God’s purpose. I must leave my average life behind to experience God’s extraordinary. Unfortunately very often God doesn’t give all the details when he wants me to do something for him. But the Bible assures that God who called me is faithful and will see me through, (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
3. Abraham received God’s Providence
A. The occult was a common occupation in Abraham’s day. Cursing was a widely used weapon to bring harm to others. In the oriental mind, the curse carried with it its own power of execution. But it was actually executed by a demonic spirit, that the victim could not control.
B. But God promised to protect Abraham. He threatens to bring his own curse upon anyone that passes a curse on his servant. Later we see this promise being fulfilled on numerous occasions.
C. Implications: The same promise is passed on to me because I am called by God. There’s no man on this earth or a supernatural being in heaven capable of inflicting harm on me. I am called by the almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth and everything in them, to serve a very special purpose.
4. Abraham became committed to Service
A. The promise for Providence was followed by a condition. God expected Abraham’s life and the lives of his descendants to be a channel of God’s blessings to every other nation in the world.
B. This was God’s purpose for Abraham. God chose him from all the people on earth to bring forth a great nation that will bless everyone on this earth. A nation that will serve as a channel of God’s saving grace.
C. Implications: I am saved to serve. God’s purpose for my life is that I will be a channel of his blessings. When I do God will bless my life also. He will expand my boundaries, (…I will make your name great…)
Just like Abraham we were also a worshiper of our own idols when God called us from our sinful, shameful, and sinful ways into consecration because he knew us and had a very special purpose for us even before we were born. He has appointed us to become channels of his blessings, so all the people around us will be blessed. In return, He will protect us, bless us and make our names great.
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