I have witnessed many exorcisms during my ministry of over twenty-five years, but none have been as horrifying as the exorcism described in the gospel of Matthew chapter 8 and repeated by Mark in chapter 5, and finally by Luke in chapter 8. It surpasses the terror of movies like The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, or any novel by Stephen King. It is far more terrifying than any other exorcism mentioned in the Bible. This is because it provides the most detailed account of a person possessed by demons.
The scene is so intense that even the best Hollywood directors like Alfred Hitchcock would have struggled to portray it accurately. Imagine being faced with a man possessed by a legion of demons charging at you. It was a horrifying experience for the disciples, but not for Jesus. He knew who he was dealing with, although the disciples could not understand. Tonight, I want to share with you eight powerful truths that the Holy Spirit revealed to me as I studied this passage for my personal spiritual growth.
1. The Demoniac was driven by the Devil
Let’s examine the profile of demon possession in this case. The Gerasene demoniac had been under the influence of demons for a long time. He lived among the dead and decaying, disregarding both Jewish law and basic human instincts. He possessed supernatural strength, and his behavior was uncontrollable, self-destructive, and deceptive. The Gerasene demoniac was no longer himself because he was driven by demons, (Matthew 8:28, Mark 5:1-5, Luke 8:26-27). The Greek word used here, “elaúno?” likens his behavior to a ship being controlled by the wind.
In contrast, Luke points us to another man in chapter 4, verse 1, who was led by the Spirit of God. Jesus, filled with and in perfect communication with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was guided by the Spirit in the wilderness. The Greek word used here, “ágo” means to guide or direct. Do you notice the difference? God, being a gentle Spirit, leads us towards what is good, while the devil takes control, forcing us to do evil.
Lesson #1 Choose to be led by God and refuse to be driven by the Devil
A person led by God exhibits three main characteristics. Firstly, they walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16), surrendering to God and building a deep relationship through prayer and His Word. They rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, obey God’s commands, and selflessly love others. Through this connection, they experience the transforming power of the Spirit in their lives. Secondly, they resist the devil, (James 4:7). To resist the devil, one must fill his heart with God’s Word, resist sin and temptation, and surround himself with supportive believers.
Lastly, he practices vigilant prayer, (Matthew 26:41). Watching and praying are vital disciplines for believers. They keep us alert to spiritual battles, guard against temptation, and connect us with God. By being watchful, we can recognize the enemy’s schemes, while prayer allows us to communicate with and seek guidance from God. These practices align us with His will, provide comfort, and bring transformation into our lives. Choose to be led by God and refuse to be driven by the Devil by choosing to be watchful and prayerful.
2. The devil had a foothold in the Demoniac
The Gerasene demoniac’s possession by a legion of demons remains a mystery to us. When Jesus asked for his name, he responded, “Legion, for we are many.” (Mark 5:9, Luke 8:30) It is worth noting that both the demoniac and the people in Gerasene were Gentiles who didn’t have access to God’s word. The occult was a common practice among them, so we cannot completely dismiss the possibility that this man might have engaged in such practices, leading to his demonic possession. This realization highlights an important truth: becoming driven by demons doesn’t happen overnight; it begins when we give the devil a foothold in our lives.
Giving the devil a foothold means providing him with an opportunity to exert his influence and cause harm in certain areas of our thoughts, behaviors, emotions, or relationships. While we may not dabble in the occult, we often flirt with sin. We give in to acts that we consider harmless. King Solomon referred to these as the “little foxes” that destroy the vine in Song of Songs 2:15. Just like small foxes slipping through the holes in a protective fence can ruin a vineyard over time, these seemingly insignificant sins can pave the way for the devil to gain a foothold in our lives and eventually take complete control.
Consider the cautionary examples of individuals like Samson and Judas Iscariot in the Bible. They allowed these little foxes to enter their lives, and it ultimately led to their downfall. Let’s focus on Judas as a prime illustration of someone who flirted with sin. Scripture reveals that Judas was a thief, frequently helping himself from the money bag entrusted to him, (John 12:6). Over time, this behavior became a stronghold for the devil. In Luke 22:3, the devil entered Judas, prompting him to strike a deal with the chief priests to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. His lust for money, seemingly an insignificant sin, ultimately consumed him entirely.
Lesson #2 If you refuse to be driven by the devil refuse to flirt with Sin
These examples serve as sobering reminders of the dangers of allowing even the smallest sins to take root in our lives. Let us be vigilant, guarding ourselves against all forms of sin, regardless of how insignificant they may seem. By doing so, we can prevent the enemy from gaining a foothold and instead experience the freedom and abundant life that God desires for us. Now is the time to take action and close any doors that may give the devil a foothold in your life. Reflect on your thoughts, behaviors, and choices. Are there areas where you have been compromising or dabbling in things contrary to God’s Word?
Moreover, be vigilant about the subtle ways the enemy can gain entry into your life, (1 Peter 5:8). Even seemingly harmless habits or indulgences can gradually erode your spiritual foundation. Guard your mind and heart, (Proverbs 4:23) filling them with God’s truth and focusing on things that are pure and honorable, (Philippians 4:8). Commit to a life of obedience to God, intentionally resisting sin and temptation. Seek accountability and support from fellow believers who can walk alongside you and encourage you in your journey. Remember, flirting with sin gives the devil a foothold and can lead to spiritual slavery, which brings us to my next point.
3. The Gerasene Demoniac was devil’s Slave
According to Romans 8:14, anyone led by the Holy Spirit is a child of God. Although the Bible does not explicitly state it, being driven by the devil makes you his slave. This passage reveals three attributes of individuals driven and enslaved by the devil. The first attribute can be inferred from Luke 8:27, where the man had not worn clothes for a long time. It suggests that a spirit of sexual impurity was among the demons possessing him, manifested through indecent exposure.
The second characteristic of a person driven and enslaved by the devil, as depicted in this story, is the fierce and violent nature of the possessed man (Matthew 8:28, Mark 5:4). Some Christians may appear godly in public but behave outrageously at home, abusing their spouses and children physically. Such Christians often make excuses to justify their behavior, blaming their ancestors or genes. However, if someone behaves like an uncivilized savage while claiming to be a child of God, they are more likely a slave of the devil.
The third characteristic is self-destruction, exemplified by the man cutting himself, (Mark 5:5). Self-destruction can take various forms, such as self-harm (cutting, burning, or scratching the skin) and substance abuse (alcohol and drug addiction). Suicide is also a common manifestation of self-destruction, even within the church. However, not every Christian who commits suicide is necessarily a slave to the devil, but there are cases where individuals have resorted to committing suicide under the devil’s influence. Once again, Judas also exemplifies self-destruction under demonic influence, (Matthew 27:5).
Lesson #3 You’re either God’s child or the devil’s Slave doing his Bidding
Sexual impurity is a widespread sin in the church today. Studies show that at least 43% of Christian men in the US struggle with porn addiction. A significant number of people among them struggle with fornication and adultery. You cannot live a sexually impure life and claim to be a child of God, because sexual impurity makes you a slave of the devil. The Bible provides multiple instances of individuals whose lives were marked by sexual impurity, resulting in disastrous outcomes (Judges 16:1-31; 1 Kings 11:3). If you are currently facing difficulties with sexual temptations, it is important to know that there is hope for you. Consider reaching out to a wise and trustworthy spiritual leader who can provide counseling and guidance in navigating these challenges.
When discussing anger, it is worth noting that the first murder documented in the Bible stemmed from anger. In Genesis 4:6-7, we witness God cautioning Cain about his anger before he ultimately murdered Abel out of that same anger, as depicted in Genesis 4:8. It is important to recognize that feeling angry is not inherently sinful. However, if anger remains uncontrolled or unresolved, it can lead to irrational behavior and transgressions against God. Genetic factors may indeed contribute to certain behavioral patterns, but seeking professional help is necessary to address such issues, rather than using them as an excuse for abusive behavior. If you are currently facing difficulties with anger issues, it is important to know that there is hope for you. Consider reaching out to a wise and trustworthy spiritual leader who can provide counseling and guidance in navigating these challenges.
Shifting our focus to the issue of suicide, it is crucial to emphasize that suicide is not in alignment with God’s intentions because suicide is self-murder, (Exodus 20:13). Startling statistics from the website Worldometer reveal that in the year 2023 alone, there have been 469,953 recorded suicides worldwide. It is important to remember that although suicide may appear as a rapid escape from temporary problems, it ultimately leads down a treacherous path toward spiritual destruction. Christians need to comprehend that those who take their own lives will not attain the eternal life that God has promised to His children. Today, if you are feeling suicidal, it is important to know that there is hope for you. Consider reaching out to a wise and trustworthy spiritual leader who can provide counseling and guidance in navigating these challenges.
4. Demons are Deceptive and Manipulative
Demons are known for their deceitful and manipulative nature. The Bible clearly states that Satan is the ultimate liar and the originator of lies, (John 8:44). This particular incident, recorded in the synoptic gospels, serves as a powerful example of how demons’ true nature is exposed. Interestingly, in all three accounts, the demons acknowledged Jesus as the Son of the Most-High God (Matthew 8:29; Mark 5:7; Luke 8:28) and evaded Jesus’ command for their name (Matthew 5:9, Mark 5:9, Luke 8:30) hoping to frighten Jesus with their large number. Now, let’s examine each of these behavioral patterns in detail.
At first glance, it might seem like the demons addressed Jesus by his full title because they were acknowledging Jesus’ power and authority. However, there is a deeper truth to uncover. In the ancient world, particularly in the regions occupied by Gentiles, there existed a prevalent superstitious belief. It was commonly believed that if you knew or uttered someone’s exact name, you would possess supernatural power over them. Therefore, their use of Jesus’ full title was not a sincere acknowledgment of His divinity but rather a desperate attempt to deceive Him.
Then the demoniac avoided Jesus’ demand for his name because under the influence of the demonic spirits, likely wanted to maintain a sense of power and control over his own identity, fearing that if Jesus knew his name, Jesus would have authority over him and the demons possessing him. It was a tactic of resistance and an attempt to protect himself from being further influenced or commanded by Jesus. Therefore, he said his name is Legion, for they are many! This behavior once again indicates that the demons are deceptive.
Now, I want to bring your attention to the manipulative nature of the demons as revealed in this incident. It’s important to understand the significance of their reference to themselves as “Legion.” Legion is not a name but a term used in the ancient Roman army to describe a division of 3,000 to 6,000 soldiers. By using this term, the demons were not implying that there were exactly 6,000 of them inhabiting the man, but rather they were using it to intimidate and instill fear in Jesus. They were essentially saying, “We are numerous, organized, powerful, and prepared for battle.” They intended to manipulate Jesus’ fear. Needless to say, Jesus did not fear them.
Lesson #4 We must refuse to be deceived and manipulated by the Devil
The devil’s arsenal of weapons hasn’t changed over the past 2,000 years, and he continues to use them against us today. These weapons may not be new, but they are effective. One of his tactics is to deceive us with lies that may seem simple, yet they are logical and convincing. For instance, imagine someone you once trusted, who should have been a father figure in your life, betrays your trust and inflicts deep pain upon you. This creates fertile ground in your heart for the devil to sow his seeds of lies. Gradually, these small seeds take root and grow into a spiritual stronghold, leading you to a place where you struggle to accept God as your heavenly father.
Manipulation is a well-known weapon that the devil employs in his schemes against us. Among the various methods he uses for manipulation, fear is one of his most effective tools. By instilling fear within us, he sows seeds of doubt and weakens our faith. It’s important to note that fear doesn’t always present itself in an obvious way; it often disguises itself as anxiety and stress. The devil employs three primary strategies in manipulating our fear. Firstly, he exploits our childhood memories, dredging up past experiences to evoke fear within our hearts. Secondly, he torments us with the fear of our secrets being exposed, keeping us in a state of apprehension. Lastly, he introduces fear into our lives when we encounter situations that are beyond our control, causing us to question and doubt the love of God.
The ability to distinguish lies from truth relies on our knowledge of the truth, and the Word of God serves as that truth. Today, countless Christians fall victim to Satan’s lies simply because they lack familiarity with God’s Word. They carry spiritual strongholds within their minds because they fail to allow the Word of God to penetrate their hearts and minds. By neglecting the study and application of Scripture, they leave themselves vulnerable to deception and the entrapment of false beliefs. Become familiar with God’s word starting today.
As you delve deeper into God’s Word, your understanding of His truth grows deeper as well. The more time and effort you invest in studying and exploring the Scriptures, the greater insight and revelation you gain regarding the truths that God has revealed to us. It is through this intentional pursuit of His Word that you can uncover the richness and depth of His wisdom, guidance, and promises. So, make it a priority to immerse yourself in the study of God’s Word, allowing it to shape and transform your understanding of His truth.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the guidance provided in God’s Word for conquering fear. Psychologists categorize fear into two main types: rational and irrational. However, according to the teachings of God’s Word, whether fear is rational or irrational, it hinders us from fulfilling God’s plan for our lives because, in God’s realm, faith takes precedence over logic. This is why the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has bestowed upon us a spirit of power and love, not of fear.
Hence, it is crucial to replace your fears with faith, and as you do so, God will propel you toward victory. Let us not forget the story of the Israelites crossing the river Jordan to enter the promised land. The water from upstream stopped flowing only after the priests who carried the ark by faith obeyed and stepped into the water (Joshua 3:15-16). Similarly, when you trust in God and step out in faith, He will bring about miraculous breakthroughs in your life. Not when you take a step back in fear.
5. God has permitted evil for a short Time
After Jesus commanded the demons to leave the man, they obeyed and departed. However, with Jesus’ permission, they entered a nearby herd of swine, leading them to behave erratically and ultimately perish in a mass suicide, (Matthew 8:30-33, Mark 5:11-13, Luke 8:32-33). While this incident demonstrates Jesus’ authority over the demonic realm, it raises the question of why He allowed the demons to afflict the herd of swine. We may wonder about His reasons and seek understanding. The specific purpose behind Jesus granting permission for this event is not explicitly stated in the text. Nevertheless, I could think of three reasons why Jesus did what he did.
The number one reason is the full demonstration of Jesus’ authority had not yet occurred. It would come later, specifically at the cross. In Colossians 2:15 God reveals that through His work on the cross, Jesus disarmed the demons and publicly triumphed over them, making a spectacle of their defeat. This eschatological perspective suggests that Jesus permitted the demons’ activities to highlight the ultimate victory and authority He would achieve over them through His sacrificial death and resurrection.
Another possible reason would be to reveal the true intention of the demons. By letting them destroy the pigs, Jesus made it evident to everyone that the ultimate desire of the demons was to destroy the man possessed by them as well, (John 10:10). While the demons could not easily have their way with a human, who is made in the image of God, their intention remained the same – complete annihilation! This event served as a powerful demonstration of the evil and destructive nature of these demons, highlighting the need for deliverance and salvation for the afflicted. It reveals to us the ultimate reason why a loving God has allowed evil on this earth.
Therefore the need for salvation and the opportunity for individuals to choose righteousness over wickedness is the third reason. Which the inhabitants of Gerasene failed to grasp miserably. Then in Luke 8:31, the demons begged Jesus not to send them to a place of punishment called the “abyss.” While this abyss may not be a physical location, it likely symbolizes a state of confinement and restriction. This suggests that God has not allowed evil to have free reign on the earth as a whole, but only to a certain extent. After all, if evil were completely absent, we would not recognize the need for a loving savior.
Lesson #5 Don’t let the presence of evil distort your view of a loving God
The demise of the swine reveals a major reason that hinders people from responding to the message of salvation in the gospel. It’s none other than an overly rational mindset. Skeptics often reject the gospel because they struggle to reconcile the existence of evil in the world with the concept of a loving God. It is important to engage in rational thinking, but it is also crucial to recognize the bigger picture—the profound love of God that can only be truly experienced through surrendering ourselves to God through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
No one can fully grasp the depth of God’s love by simply observing the events of the world. It is a personal and individual experience that requires a personal relationship with God. After all, in the incident where Jesus allowed the demons to enter the swine, they were unable to control their destructive impulses and caused the swine to plunge off a cliff, resulting in their own demise. This incident serves as a reminder that evil ultimately leads to its own downfall and is inherently self-defeating. Therefore, let us not allow evil to distort our understanding of God’s love.
6. The men of Geresene were Superstitious
After witnessing the remarkable transformation brought about by Jesus’ miracle, those who were tending to the swine fled and spread the news throughout the city and countryside, (Matthew 8:33, Mark 5:14, Luke 8:34). People became curious and flocked to the location where Jesus was, similar to the response seen in the story of the Samaritan Woman in John Chapter 4. However, the similarities end there. Unlike the Samaritans who embraced Jesus and became His followers, the men of Gerasene pleaded with Jesus to leave them, (Matthew 8:34, Mark 5:15-17, Luke 8:35-37). Their overwhelming fear drove them to this request.
It is intriguing to note that they were more afraid of a man who had been set free than when he was possessed. When they witnessed the formerly tormented man sitting peacefully at the feet of Jesus, their fear intensified. They were apprehensive of the power demonstrated by Jesus in casting out the demons. According to their superstitious beliefs, the demons should have held the upper hand over Jesus, but they were proven wrong. Accepting this truth proved to be challenging for them. They seemed to tolerate having a man plagued by demons in their midst, but they were unwilling to accept Jesus’ presence, so they asked Him to depart—and He honored their request.
Lesson #6 Don’t let Pious Superstition determine your walk with God
Tonight, as we attentively listen to God’s word, it is natural for us to criticize the men of Gerasene for favoring superstition over accepting the Son of God. However, let us reflect on our own lives and acknowledge that we, too, are sometimes guilty of embracing superstitions. I refer to this as “Pious Superstition” because we tend to cloak these beliefs in a religious guise, making them appear biblical and righteous. (ex: If I just show up Sunday morning or join the right ministry team, God will bless my life. If I do my devotions; I’ll have a good day.)
Sometimes we lean towards superstition for a reason. The Christian journey is frequently challenging and intricate. Superstition simplifies this complexity into a straightforward cause-and-effect equation. It also provides us with a false sense of control. The world can be a frightening and unpredictable place, filled with unfortunate events and accidents, and God hasn’t promised to shield us from all of those things. As a result, we seek solace in certain behaviors or objects that we believe will protect us. By doing the right things, we convince ourselves that we can maintain a level of control over our lives, regardless of what God has planned for us.
So, what can we do then? Ultimately, superstitions may give us a sense of security, but it is only through Jesus that we can find genuine and everlasting protection. Instead of relying on superstitions, our minds need to be renewed so we can rely fully on our all-sufficient God. As Paul writes: Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22–24) The renewal of the mind has a way of destroying pious superstitions.
7. The Demoniac pleaded to be with Jesus
After Jesus casts out the demons from the man and they enter into a herd of pigs, the man who was formerly possessed by the demons expresses a desire to accompany Jesus and become one of His disciples, (Mark 5:18-19, Luke 8:38-39). The man, filled with gratitude for his deliverance from the torment of demon possession, wants to follow Jesus and be with Him. He sees Jesus as his Savior and wants to be by His side, possibly to continue experiencing His healing power and learning from Him. The man’s request reveals his deep faith and desire to be part of Jesus’ mission.
However, Jesus responds to the man’s plea, instructing him to go back to his home and share what God has done for him. Jesus recognizes that the man’s testimony and transformation will have a powerful impact on his own community. Instead of allowing the man to physically follow Him, Jesus commissions him to go back to his family and friends and bear witness to the great mercy and deliverance he received from the Lord. Mark, therefore, captures the moment when the healed man expresses his desire to be with Jesus, and Jesus redirects him to share the good news of his miraculous transformation with those around him.
Lesson #7 We’re tasked with a three-fold mission that needs fulfilling
In this portion of the narrative, God urges us to act promptly. He beckons us to engage in a three-fold mission.
A. Seek a Personal Relationship with Jesus: Take the initiative to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ. Invest time in prayer, study God’s Word, and meditate on it. Seek to know Him intimately and allow His love and truth to transform your life.
B. Share Your Testimony: Recognize the power of your personal story. Share how Jesus has impacted your life with others. Whether it’s through conversations, social media, or organized platforms, let your testimony be a beacon of hope and inspiration to those who may be seeking answers or struggling in their own faith journey.
C. Serve Others in Love: Embrace the call to serve others in love, following the example of Jesus. Look for opportunities to demonstrate compassion, kindness, and generosity in your interactions with family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. Seek out ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you, reflecting the love and character of Christ.
By embracing this three-fold mission—seeking a personal relationship with Jesus, sharing your testimony, and serving others in love—you can actively live out your faith and contribute to the Kingdom of God. Let these actions become a consistent and purposeful part of your life, allowing God to work through you to bring about transformation in your own life and the lives of those around you.
8. There was the news and the Good News
As I come to the end of our passage, I would like to draw your attention to a fascinating contrast that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention during my preparation for this sermon. See that both the herdsmen and the man who was delivered from demon possession spread the news far and wide about what Jesus had done in their presence (Mark 5:20, Luke 8:39). However, there was a significant difference in the response of the people who heard the herdsmen’s report compared to those who listened to the man who was delivered. The ones who encountered Jesus through the herdsmen’s testimony pleaded with Jesus to leave their area, while those who heard the man’s account were filled with astonishment and wonder.
What sets them apart? Both the herdsmen and the man who was delivered experienced and reported the same incident. They were all eyewitnesses to the same event. However, the difference lies in their focus. It is reasonable to assume that the herdsmen described the incident with a focus on the demons and their destructive impact on the swine. On the other hand, we understand that the demoniac shared his account with a focus on Jesus and His actions. The herdsmen did not distort the story or blame Jesus, but they conveyed it from a perspective of fear, while the demoniac recounted the story from a perspective of God’s love and grace. To put it simply, the herdsmen had news, while the demoniac had the good news.
Lesson #8 We must realign our focus from the news to the Good News
This story urges us to make an important choice and remain steadfast in that decision. In these challenging times, as we witness the world descending into chaos, it is easy to be sidetracked by the temporary concerns of this earthly life. We often fixate on wars, rising costs of living, and unpleasant political developments. Consequently, our words, instead of being consistently filled with kindness and wisdom, become tainted with negativity, (Colossians 4:6). Ultimately, when an unbeliever approaches us, discussing all the negative aspects of the world, instead of offering them hope in the Lord, we inadvertently join in the conversation, fostering a pessimistic and unhealthy atmosphere.
I’m not suggesting that we should ignore reality and blindly embrace faith. What I’m saying is that we need to examine and realign our focus. Instead of fixating on the news, we should shift our attention to the good news. We shouldn’t be like the herdsmen who emphasized the power of the devil and diminished the power of Jesus. Rather, we should be like the demoniac who praised and lifted up the name of Jesus. Have you ever wondered why God has placed us in a world that is decaying and worsening every day, without any immediate prospect of improvement? It’s because we are meant to be the solution! Whenever an unbeliever shares their concerns about the problems in the world, it’s an opportunity for us to share the hope we have already experienced. Take a moment today to examine and realign your focus from the news to the good news.
In conclusion, the terrifying exorcism described in the gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke reveals powerful truths that we need to grasp and apply to our lives today. Through this passage, we see the stark contrast between being guided by God or driven by the Devil. It is essential to walk by the Spirit, resist the devil, and practice vigilant prayer to experience God’s power and wisdom. We must be careful not to give the devil a foothold in our lives. It starts with seemingly insignificant sins that we justify and tolerate. By guarding ourselves against all forms of sin and closing any doors that may give the devil access, we can experience the freedom and abundant life God desires for us.
Furthermore, this passage reminds us that we are either children of God or slaves to the Devil. It is vital to live a life of purity and integrity, not allowing ourselves to be driven by sexual impurity, anger, or self-destruction. Instead, we must seek help, guidance, and accountability to overcome these struggles and experience the transformation that God offers. The demons in this account exemplify their deceptive and manipulative nature. They try to deceive Jesus and manipulate Him through their lies and intimidation. We must be vigilant against the devil’s tactics, rooted in the knowledge of God’s truth found in His Word. By allowing the Word of God to penetrate our hearts and minds, we can discern and overcome the lies of the enemy.
As we reflect on these powerful truths, let us take them to heart and live them out in our daily lives. Let us walk in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, guard against sin, embrace our identity as children of God, and stand firm against the deceit and manipulation of the devil. May we find strength, freedom, and victory in Jesus Christ, who has overcome the powers of darkness. Remember, with God on our side, we need not fear, for He is greater and more powerful than any force that comes against us. Trust in Him, lean on His Word, and live in the truth.
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