Lying means deception in speech. Although it is one of the seven abominations to God (Proverbs 6:16-19), lying is also the most common sin even among Christians because most of us don’t take lying seriously. We lie for different reasons. Sometimes for fun. According to the Bible, however, all forms of lying are absolute sins. In today’s sermon, we are going to discuss 4 reasons why? [Image Credit: Jenna Rose Robbins]
1. Lying is an Abomination
Read Proverbs 6:16-19
In the Hebrew Bible, the term “abomination” is rendered in a sense of ceremonial uncleanliness. In the OT people other than Jews were considered unclean and any uncircumcised (a symbol of impurity) Jews were also considered unclean and aliens among God’s people.
Likewise The lies we tell actually affect our relationship with God because lying makes us spiritually uncircumcised and unclean. It brings us to a state in which we cannot call ourselves God’s children anymore.
2. Lying is Inappropriate
Read Colossians 3:9-10
In Judaism, the condition of one’s dress was a symbol of the character of his relationship with God. When Paul says to the church of Colossi that they have put off the old self with its practices, (2 Corinthians 5:17) he intends to say that lying is like taking their clean clothes off and putting them back on that are dirty which is inappropriate. When we lie we put on our old and sinful self once again. It’s not appropriate for us because we are a new creation in Christ.
3. Lying is of the The Devil
Read John 8:44
It’s not exaggerating to say that Devil is the inventor of lies. He uttered the first lie when he told Eve she will become like God if she eats from the tree that God forbade them to eat from. He distorted the truth that it escorted sickness and death into the perfect world God created.
Jesus said all liars are Devil’s offspring because when we lie we distort the truth like the Devil did back in the garden of Eden. When we lie we carry out his will and we can no longer say that God is our heavenly father.
4. Lying brings Judgment
Revelation 21:8
The above verse tells us that eternal damnation is the total sum of all the three consequences I mentioned before. If we lie we shall never enjoy eternity in God’s presence but suffer in the lake of fire forever because in lying we chose to not belong with God’s chosen, we adopted a lifestyle that does not fit our calling and chose to be children of the devil.
It amazes me because the Bible tells us a single lie that may even sound innocent sometimes will always have such a negative impact on our walk with God. Unfortunately, all of us have lied at some point even after becoming born-again Christians. Well, the good news is the Bible also says, God will forgive us if we repent.
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