Sermon: How to Respond to Persecution and Suffering?

Man in a black jacket and blue jeans carrying a wooden cross.


So many books have been written, sermons have been preached and studies have been conducted on the doctrine of Christian suffering and persecution of believers. Yet nobody knows it better than those who have actually tasted it.

Sermon Notes: The Parable of the Sower

A photo of two sticks of White Wheat.


I am fully aware that I have preached to you from the Parable of the Sower before but wanted to share the same today for a very good reason. As your Pastor, I am responsible for your personal spiritual growth. You know, sometimes we get complacent in our Christian walk which hinders our spiritual growth. When that happens I have to stir your nest and remind you to start moving forward again. So, I am going to stir your nest tonight. Now, as I told you the last time I preached from this passage, Jesus spoke about four different groups of people that are in the Church.

Valentine’s Day Sermon 2015: The Greatest Commandment

Pink-colored "Love" Neon Signage Photo.


St. Valentine’s is a day on which the church talks a lot about God’s love for man. This Valentine’s however I want to talk about how we are supposed to love God and others. Here in the passage, I have chosen to preach from today a Lawyer (not an ordinary Jew) who intended to find fault with Jesus’ teachings asks him a question. It’s not a foolish question at all, because the Jews quite commonly drew distinctions among the laws of Scripture – great and small, light and heavy. Jesus’ answer was unexpected yet biblical and logical. What does this commandment mean?

Sermon: Young Jesus is Lost and Found

Young Jesus, explaining scripture to experts of the Jewish Law in God's presence.


In the movie “Home Alone” the McCallister family, in the confusion and rush to board their flight on time, leaves little Kevin at home and does not know until they are already airborne. A similar thing happened almost 2000 years ago and unlike in the movie, this was for real. The Bible says that Mary and Joseph left Jesus behind on their return trip from Jerusalem. There are three important truths about God’s presence we can learn from this incident.

Sermon: God and His Faithfulness

A plaque with the word God's Faithfulness on it.


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word faithfulness as “deserving trust, keeping your promises or doing what you are supposed to do.” Although we love to know such reliable people the society is full of unfaithful people. Faithfulness has become a rare virtue today. We see cheating spouses, double-tongued politicians, unfaithful business associates, and the list continues.

Easter Sermon 2014: Jesus appears to Thomas


This morning even as we celebrate Easter, I want us to consider yet another famous passage in the bible. This passage is none other than John’s account of Jesus’ appearance to Thomas. In today’s sermon, I want to share my observations on the passage and its implications.

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