While spiritual fruit is for our personal edification spiritual gifts are for the edification of the body of Christ or the Church. This list is in alphabetical order and as inclusive and extensive as possible because we want to help you find at least one area of giftedness with which you can serve in your church. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have anything to add that we may have missed. [Taken from “Shared Life” Study Series by Lutheran Hour Ministries]
1. Administration:
The special ability to manage, organize, direct, control, and delegate in such a way that members of a particular ministry work together effectively towards the achievement of specific goals. (Exodus 18:17-23; 1 Corinthians 12:28-31)
2. Artistic Creativity:
The special ability to use artistic means in order to serve in the Body of Christ comes under this category of spiritual gifts. (Exodus 31:1-11; 35:4-35; 36:1-7)
3. Craftsmanship:
The special ability (manual) to use skills in a craft in such a way that the congregation is served thereby and benefits from it. Ex: maintenance, care, and upkeep of church grounds and buildings. (Exodus 31:1-11; 35:4-35; 36:1-7; 2 Kings 12:11-12; 2 Chronicles 34:9-13)
4. Discernment of Spirits:
The special ability to distinguish between truth and error, and to know with assurance whether something is of God, of man, or even satanic. (1 Corinthians 12:10; Acts 5:1-10; 13:6-12; 16:16-18; 1 John 4:1-6)
5. Evangelism:
The special ability to share the Gospel and God’s word with unbelievers, or with waned or strayed members, in such a way that men and women are won or brought back to faith and become faithful members of the body of Christ. (Acts 5:42; 8:5-6; 26-40; Ephesians 4:11-14)
6. Exhorting/Encouraging:
The special ability to motivate people in Christian living through encouraging words so that they remain true to the faith, and conscientious in Christian living; to stand beside fellow Christians in need, ministering to them words of comfort, counsel, and encouragement, so that they feel helped. Ex: point them to God’s promises. (Romans 12:8; Acts 11:23; 14:21-22)
7. Exorcism:
The special ability, in the name of Jesus Christ, to command demons to depart from those whom they possess or seek to harm. (Matthew 10:1; Acts 16:16-18)
8. Faith/Trust in God:
The special ability to discern with extraordinary confidence the will and purpose of God, and exceptional trust in God, so that heroic and seemingly impossible thing in God’s work is envisioned and successfully executed, even when there is no concrete evidence to justify such unwavering trust and confidence. (1 Corinthians 12:9; 13:2; Romans 4:18-21; Hebrews 11:23)
Note: It is important to distinguish between A. Saving Faith B. Faith to work miracles or heal C. Faith or trust in God that he can and will provide the necessary in seemingly impossible situations. (which is the gift of the Spirit referred to here.)
9. Giving:
The special ability to willingly, joyfully, and cheerfully give exceptionally and generously for the work of the church and/or the needs of others. (Romans 12:8; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 9:6-15; Mark 12:41-44)
Note: This gift only applies where significantly more than the tithe is given. Because Christ does not want the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. Members who exercise this gift should not disclose this to others. (Matthew 6:3)
10. Healing:
The special ability to serve as a human intermediary through whom God’s healing power is applied to another person’s physical or emotional illness. (Acts 5:15; 14:8-10; 19:12)
11. Helping:
The special ability in practical ways to help other members in their ministries, so that they can do their tasks more effectively. (Acts 6:1-7)
12. Hospitality:
The special ability to provide an open house and a warm welcome to those in need of food, lodging, and care. (Luke 10:38; Acts 16:14-15; Romans 12:13-23; 1 Peter 4:9-10)
13. Intercession:
The special ability to regularly and persistently pray for the needs of the Church, and for others. (Daniel 9:1-4; Acts 12:1-12)
14. Interpretation of Tongues:
The special ability to make known in the vernacular the message of one who speaks in tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:10)
15. Message of knowledge/Understanding:
To understand in an exceptional way the truths of God’s word relating to His love, the saving will, and intentions, and the special ability to make them relevant and understandable to members of the congregation. (1 Corinthians 12:8; Ephesians 3:14-19; 1 Corinthians 2:11-16; Colossians 2:2-3)
16. Leadership:
The special ability to plan ahead and set goals in accordance with God’s purposes, to communicate these to those concerned, and to motivate and inspire members to undertake the tasks required in such a way as to lead to their successful implementation and conclusion. (Acts 15:7-11; Romans 12:8)
17. Mercy:
The special ability to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are suffering, and to devote exceptional effort to alleviate it. Ex: time, energy, and even material means. (Romans 12:8; Luke 10:30-37)
18. Miracles:
The special ability to serve as a human intermediary through whom it pleases God to perform powerful acts that are perceived by observers to have altered the ordinary course of nature (Mark 16:17).
Note: Miracles are worked through faith and prayer, and often create circumstances conducive to the proclamation of God’s word in order thereby to generate and/or promote faith. (1 Corinthians 12:10; 28; Acts 6:8; Acts 8:5-7)
19. Missionary
The special ability to minister with whatever other spiritual gifts one has in a strange culture with the purpose of winning people for Christ and keeping those won. (Romans 10:15; Galatians 1:15-17; 2:7-14; Ephesians 3:6-8)
20. Music/Vocal:
The special ability to use one’s voice in singing to the Lord’s praise and for the benefit and edification of others. (1 Chronicle 16:9; Ephesians 5:19)
21. Music & Instruments:
The special ability to play one or more musical instruments to the Lord’s praise and for the benefit and edification of others. (1 Chronicles15:16; Psalm 33:2)
23. Pastoring/Shepherding:
The special ability to exercise responsibility for the spiritual well-being of a congregation or group, edifying, nourishing, and caring for them spiritually, so as to protect them from error, grow them, and lead them towards attaining maturity “to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-14; Acts 20:28-31)
24. Prophesying:
The special ability to proclaim and apply God’s word so that believers are strengthened, encouraged, comforted, and edified (1 Corinthians 14:3). Prophecy as a Gift of the Spirit is expressly distinguished from revelation, knowledge, and doctrine. (1 Corinthians 14:6; Romans 12:6)
25. Serving:
The special ability, spontaneously to identify the unmet needs involved in a situation related to God’s work, and to make use of available resources to meet those needs and help accomplish the desired results. (Romans 12:6-7)
26. Speaking in Tongues:
The special ability to speak or pray in a strange language one has never learned. (1 Corinthians 12:10; 28)
26. Teaching:
The special ability to impart God’s word and instruct others so that they learn speedily and easily. (Romans 12:7; 1 Corinthians 12:28-29; Ephesians 4:11-12)
27. The Message of Wisdom:
An understanding from the Bible of God’s will as it relates to daily living and specific issues, and the special ability to verbalize this for the benefit of others. According to James 1:5, God will give wisdom to whoever asks for it. Proverbs 2:3-6 shows that wisdom comes from diligent searching in the Word of God and in answer to prayer. Wisdom is equated to the fear of God. (Proverbs 9:10)
Closing Remarks
While spiritual gifts are not a sign of holiness or spiritual maturity the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:1 urges us to desire spiritual gifts earnestly because they expand our service to the Lord and one another in church as well as in the society.
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