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Research Material and Tips

A Strategy for Your Personal Spiritual Growth

Shallow focus of Sprout

About 5 years ago today, I wrote a blog post about “Spiritual Maturity“. In it, I answered a few common questions about spiritual maturity. But I couldn’t answer one crucial question. How do we mature spiritually? The answer is we must start growing spiritually in order to mature spiritually. We cannot grow spiritually unless we are intentional about our spiritual growth. Today let’s look at a strategy we can use to boost our spiritual growth.

What is Spiritual Maturity?

A Strawberry on Blue Surface

Spiritual Maturity is often a misunderstood and misinterpreted doctrine in the Church. I am not an expert on this either but want to share a few thoughts with you. In this post, we will learn what spiritual maturity is not, what is spiritual maturity, as well as the nine biblical signs of a spiritually mature person. It is my hope these thoughts will help you to mature spiritually and be fruitful for Christ.

How to preach to confront Sin?

Young Man Preaching

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that God’s word is useful for rebuking. It is important that preachers though not on a regular basis confront sin from the pulpit whenever the need arises. It’s a common factor however that preachers hardly confront sin today. Probably because of fear people will feel offended and leave the church. There are however some principles that I follow in confrontational preaching and most of the time the results have proved to be rewarding. [Image Credit: Tutu Kazooie]

The importance of Vision in Christian Ministry

Photo of a woman sitting on top of a rock.

Vision is a very important word today. It’s a word frequently used by Statesmen, Businessmen, Religious Leaders, etc. Vision is so important it has become a word people abuse and throws around in vain. The bible says without vision the people perish, (Proverbs 29:18). Why is vision so important? In this blog post, I want to share with you 5 reasons why vision is important in Christian Ministry.

Powerful Bible Verses to Help You in Tough Times

A person resting her hand on a Bible on a white background.

Each day brings questions for which we need answers. In a world that grows more complex hour by hour, we constantly face new problems and opportunities. What should we do? How should we react? What can we believe? The word of God has the answers to all of these questions. Often we just don’t know where to find these answers in the 66 books. Given below are references to some powerful Bible verses to keep you going in the most common situations in life. [Adopted from the 2011 Bible Reading plan published by The Ceylon Bible Society – Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.]

The Importance of Preparation in Preaching Ministry: Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching
Why preparation is important for a Preacher? ~ Part 3 (Final)

Someone said for each minute you spend behind the pulpit, spend one hour in preparation. One of the top responsibilities of a Pastor is to faithfully preach the whole counsel of God’s word, carefully explaining the meaning of the text and applying it to the lives of those under his care. As Pastors, we should treat the task of preaching as a sacred responsibility and give our best to prepare and preach a sermon. God expects us to be faithful stewards of His precious Word. How can we claim to be faithful stewards if we don’t even allocate time to prepare. In the past 24 years of ministry, I have met Pastors who walk into the pulpit without preparation, preach rubbish, and then give excuses to defend poor preparation. Do it enough times and then you will have a taste of the following.

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